2022 VSGA Amateur/State Open of Virginia Qualifier - Heritage Hunt G&CC Tee Sheet

Heritage Hunt G&CC - Mon, June 13

Heritage Hunt Golf and Country Club - Archived on 08-11-2023 / VSGA Am/Open
Time Players
Heritage Hunt Golf and Country Club - Archived on 08-11-2023
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allen Morrison Stonewall Golf Club
9:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Jake Norby + Paxton Ihm
Aryan Vuradi 1757 Golf Club
10:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Greg Pappas + Ryan Monastero
Braden Moelchert Country Club of Virginia
8:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Phil Jones + Ryan McCollum
Brian Kelly Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
8:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Jeremy Cates + Toby McCullough
Brock Lascara Meadowcreek Golf Course
8:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Joseph Lobosky + Stephen Buckner
Bryce Leazer Stonewall Golf Club
9:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Chris Ferrell + Nathan Aversano
Charlie Peavley Fauquier Springs Country Club
9:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Mitchell Mello + Tate Corbett
Chris Ferrell Fauquier Springs Country Club
9:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Bryce Leazer + Nathan Aversano
Christopher Flather Westfields Golf Club
9:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Jack Hoyle + Nathaniel Winebarger
Christopher Stout Westwood Country Club
10:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Coleman "Cole" Pollard, Jr. + Jack Teuschl
Coleman "Cole" Pollard, Jr. Hermitage Country Club
10:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Christopher Stout + Jack Teuschl
Daniel Kwon The Piedmont Club
8:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Dom Falco + Matthew Groves
Danny Holden Belle Haven Country Club
10:05 AM VSGA Am/Open John Williams + Sam Walker
Darrell Clark South Riding Golf Club
7:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Jon-Michael Rosch + Umar Sadiq
Dom Falco Stoneleigh Golf & Country Club
8:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Daniel Kwon + Matthew Groves
Erkan Duzenli Brambleton Golf Course
7:45 AM VSGA Am/Open William Miller
George Clark South Riding Golf Club
11:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Michael Thomas + Milan Matneja
Greg Pappas Fauquier Springs Country Club
10:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Aryan Vuradi + Ryan Monastero
Jack Hoyle Hermitage Country Club
9:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Christopher Flather + Nathaniel Winebarger
Jack Teuschl Army Navy Country Club
10:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Christopher Stout + Coleman "Cole" Pollard, Jr.
Jake Norby Meadowbrook Country Club
9:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Allen Morrison + Paxton Ihm
Jeremy Cates Stonewall Golf Club
8:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Brian Kelly + Toby McCullough
John Fleming Belle Haven Country Club
8:25 AM VSGA Am/Open Stacey Larese
John Williams The Piedmont Club
10:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Danny Holden + Sam Walker
Jon Krinn Westfields Golf Club
10:25 AM VSGA Am/Open Matthew Corcoran + Ryan Frick
Jon-Michael Rosch Dominion Valley Country Club
7:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Darrell Clark + Umar Sadiq
Jonathan Zou Hidden Creek Country Club
10:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Thomas Fleming + Tyler Odaniel
Joseph Lobosky Laurel Hill Golf Club
8:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Brock Lascara + Stephen Buckner
Joshua Mearkle Loudoun Golf & Country Club
9:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Kevin Reynolds + Mark Cahill
Kevin Reynolds The Piedmont Club
9:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Joshua Mearkle + Mark Cahill
Mark Cahill Stonewall Golf Club
9:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Joshua Mearkle + Kevin Reynolds
Matthew Corcoran Bull Run Golf Club
10:25 AM VSGA Am/Open Jon Krinn + Ryan Frick
Matthew Groves Leesburg Golf Association
8:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Daniel Kwon + Dom Falco
Michael Stanford VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
8:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Ryan Hally + Steven Mincemoyer
Michael Thomas Loudoun Golf & Country Club
11:05 AM VSGA Am/Open George Clark + Milan Matneja
Milan Matneja
11:05 AM VSGA Am/Open George Clark + Michael Thomas
Mitchell Mello Hidden Creek Country Club
9:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Charlie Peavley + Tate Corbett
Nathan Aversano VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
9:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Bryce Leazer + Chris Ferrell
Nathaniel Winebarger Dominion Valley Country Club
9:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Christopher Flather + Jack Hoyle
Paxton Ihm The Piedmont Club
9:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Allen Morrison + Jake Norby
Phil Jones Belle Haven Country Club
8:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Braden Moelchert + Ryan McCollum
Pierce Hokenson Trump National, Washington DC
10:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Robin Yu + Ryan Patrick
Robin Yu VSGA eClub
10:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Pierce Hokenson + Ryan Patrick
Ryan Frick Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
10:25 AM VSGA Am/Open Jon Krinn + Matthew Corcoran
Ryan Hally Stonewall Golf Club
8:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Michael Stanford + Steven Mincemoyer
Ryan McCollum VSGA eClub
8:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Braden Moelchert + Phil Jones
Ryan Monastero Loudoun Golf & Country Club
10:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Aryan Vuradi + Greg Pappas
Ryan Patrick Hidden Creek Country Club
10:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Pierce Hokenson + Robin Yu
Sam Walker Springfield Golf & Country Club
10:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Danny Holden + John Williams
Stacey Larese Keswick Golf Club
8:25 AM VSGA Am/Open John Fleming
Stephen Buckner Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
8:05 AM VSGA Am/Open Brock Lascara + Joseph Lobosky
Steven Mincemoyer VSGA eClub
8:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Michael Stanford + Ryan Hally
Tate Corbett Dominion Valley Country Club
9:35 AM VSGA Am/Open Charlie Peavley + Mitchell Mello
Thomas Fleming Belle Haven Country Club
10:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Jonathan Zou + Tyler Odaniel
Toby McCullough Country Club of Fairfax
8:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Brian Kelly + Jeremy Cates
Tyler Odaniel VSGA eClub
10:15 AM VSGA Am/Open Jonathan Zou + Thomas Fleming
Umar Sadiq Brambleton Golf Course
7:55 AM VSGA Am/Open Darrell Clark + Jon-Michael Rosch
William Miller Greendale Golf Course
7:45 AM VSGA Am/Open Erkan Duzenli