2022 RDGA Mid Amateur Championship
Morgan's Crossing
Tuesday, August 23 - Wednesday, August 24
Registration Begins: Monday, February 1, 2022 (9:00 am) Entry Deadline: Friday, August 7, 2022 (11:59 pm)
Fee: $200
Includes: golf, cart, driving range, lunch PLUS: **$1750 in prizes**
Eligibility Criteria:
Website: Click HERE Scorecard: Click HERE Address: 760 Scottsville-Chili Rd, Scottsville, NY 14546 Field Size: 100 Players
NEW: **Top 5 Finishers plus ties earn Exemeptions into 2023 RDGA District Championship!
Event Format
Schedule of Events
Tuesday, August 23 - (Round 1)
Wednesday, August 24 - (Round 2)
Cart Policy Carts are included in fee but not mandatory. Two riders per cart. Players may walk and may use caddie if desired. Appropriate Covid safety measures must be utilized. This means masks whenever you cannot social distance. If a caddie wishes to ride, or if a player wants to ride alone they must reserve this extra cart with RDGA Office no later than 7 days in advance of the tournament and pay a fee of $25.
Caddies Caddies are allowed. Caddie Lunches are NOT included - must pay for caddie lunch.
Food Services
Practice Round There is no formal practice round for this event, those wishing to schedule one may contact the pro shop.
Score Posting RDGA will post all scores.
Withdrawals If you have to withdraw please contact us at the RDGA Office: (585)-292-5950
Refund Policy Refunds of tournament entry fees will be made in accordance with the following rules:
RDGA Conditions of Competition CLICK HERE for the RDGA Conditions of Competition, revised as of February 1, 2022.
RDGA Code of Conduct The Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) and its member clubs believe that participation in RDGA amateur events is a privilege that carries responsibilities. In order to enter an RDGA event, a player must be an amateur golfer and be a member in good standing at an RDGA member club. He or she must adhere to all RDGA tournament requirements, including possession of a USGA Handicap Index, age and/or gender for selected events, appropriate golf attire, mandatory use of riding carts at selected events, and obey local host club rules that may apply to players during a competition.
The most recent edition of the USGA Rules of Golf will govern all play in RDGA events, along with the RDGA Conditions of Competition and any Local Rules that may be put into effect for selected events. All players must familiarize themselves with the provisions of Rule 1.2 of the USGA Rules of Golf and conduct themselves accordingly, i.e. by playing in the spirit of the game, acting with integrity, showing consideration for others, and taking good care of the golf course, as those concepts are described in Rule 1.2a.
In accordance with Rule 1.2b of the USGA Rules of Golf, the RDGA has adopted this Code of Conduct to apply to all players in RDGA events. In the discretion of the RDGA Rules Committee, a player may receive the General Penalty (loss of hole in match play or 2 strokes in stroke play) for conduct that breaches this Code. A penalty of Disqualification may be applied for any serious misconduct that occurs. Examples of “serious misconduct” include, but are not limited to: deliberately damaging a putting green, deliberately moving tee markers or boundary stakes, deliberately distracting other players, refusing to follow the Rules of Golf, repeated use of vulgar or offensive language, or showing disrespect to a Rules Official.
Adopted: Effective January 1, 2019
Tournament Chairperson Mr. Tim Vangellow (585) 292-5950 - Office (585) 764-7342 - Cell |
The Rochester District Golf Association is a proud Allied Golf Association of the USGA.