Player Roster
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First Name | Last Name |
Al | Stautz |
Allen | Jones |
Andy | Merrill |
Arnie | Kirkham |
Bob | Holloway |
Bob | Vigil |
Brandon | Matz |
Bruce | Erlandson |
Carolee | Clark |
Chris | Simpson |
Chuck | Sciarrotta |
David | Castronovo |
David | Gray |
David | Keeling |
Dennis | Crepeaux |
Dewayne | Galyon |
Don | Pearson |
Eron | Cortes |
James | Hauge |
James | Jones |
Jan | Taskey |
Jim | Biedenweg |
John | Boydston |
John | Burrus |
John | Hansen |
John | Root |
John W | Gill |
Jordan | Jenkins |
Joseph | Helma |
Ken | Stansbury |
Kevin | Palmer |
Kirk | Lunstrum |
Lance | Moncur |
Lenny | Greco |
Michael | Bien |
Michael | Diehl |
Michael | Heard |
Michael | Mulholland |
Mike | Buhler |
Mike | Wiley |
Philip | Chilson |
Randy | Fisher |
Randy | Hill |
Richard | Lee |
Robert | Barberis |
Roger | Schnoes |
Ryan | Holmes |
Scott | Mettler |
Shane | Brown |
Stephen | Mellor |
Steve | Reinhart |
Steve | Stratton |
Thomas | Melville |
Tim | Gray |
Tim | Hornecker |
Tj | Petrone |
Vance | Lynch |
William | Voorhees |