
Player Roster

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First Name Last Name
Al Stautz
Allen Jones
Andy Merrill
Arnie Kirkham
Bob Holloway
Bob Vigil
Brandon Matz
Bruce Erlandson
Carolee Clark
Chris Simpson
Chuck Sciarrotta
David Castronovo
David Gray
David Keeling
Dennis Crepeaux
Dewayne Galyon
Don Pearson
Eron Cortes
James Hauge
James Jones
Jan Taskey
Jim Biedenweg
John Boydston
John Burrus
John Hansen
John Root
John W Gill
Jordan Jenkins
Joseph Helma
Ken Stansbury
Kevin Palmer
Kirk Lunstrum
Lance Moncur
Lenny Greco
Michael Bien
Michael Diehl
Michael Heard
Michael Mulholland
Mike Buhler
Mike Wiley
Philip Chilson
Randy Fisher
Randy Hill
Richard Lee
Robert Barberis
Roger Schnoes
Ryan Holmes
Scott Mettler
Shane Brown
Stephen Mellor
Steve Reinhart
Steve Stratton
Thomas Melville
Tim Gray
Tim Hornecker
Tj Petrone
Vance Lynch
William Voorhees