2022 Falcon Wealth Advisors Tour Tee Sheet

FWA Tour @ Falcon Lakes - Thu, August 11

The Golf Club at Falcon Lakes
Time Players
The Golf Club at Falcon Lakes
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alan Thornton Olathe
9:54 AM Blue Chris Magerkurth / Nick Berardi
Andrew Forsythe Belton
9:18 AM Black Tyler Docking
Blake Walker Overland Park
10:39 AM Black Layton Wilson
Bob McKinney Olathe
7:39 AM White Ritch Nigh / William Scott
Brandon McElhiney Lenexa
10:12 AM Blue Ian Weintraub / Jeff Kochtanek
Brian Moeller Shawnee
10:21 AM Blue Brian Schmidt / Randall Sutcliffe
Brian Schmidt Overland Park
10:21 AM Blue Brian Moeller / Randall Sutcliffe
Brian Stimetz Raytown
11:33 AM Blue Chris O'Dowd / Sidney Adamson
Brian Taylor Kansas City
10:48 AM Blue Gary Gatten / James Hale
Carl Nitsche Lenexa
10:57 AM White Matt Thornton / Ted Arnett
Chris Magerkurth Shawnee
9:54 AM Blue Alan Thornton / Nick Berardi
Chris Medrow Kansas City
11:06 AM Blue Mike Naegele / Trenton Mein
Chris O'Dowd Blue Springs
11:33 AM Blue Brian Stimetz / Sidney Adamson
Chuck Barry OLATHE
8:15 AM White Michael Jorgensen / Samuel Vanlandingham
Dave Cunningham Parkville
8:33 AM Blue Scott Adam / Steve Groom
Dave Wright Kansas City
10:03 AM Blue Kyle Doege / Michael Bischoff
David Hamilton Olathe
7:48 AM White Don Bliss / Kevin Handlan
Don Bliss Overland Park
7:48 AM White David Hamilton / Kevin Handlan
Edward Hoffman Topeka
8:24 AM White Mike McNicoll / Paul Seyferth
Eric Johnson Leawood
9:45 AM Blue Kai Frederick
Erik Pottorf Olathe
11:15 AM Blue Michael Buckhouse
Frank Roth Prairie Village
9:09 AM White Lew Merriman / Steven Frisbie
Garrett Chumley Kansas City
10:30 AM Blue Marcus Moore / Matt Stuppy
Gary Gatten Kansas City
10:48 AM Blue Brian Taylor / James Hale
Gary Nicolet Emporia
8:06 AM White John Grant / Kenny LaForge
Ian Weintraub KANSAS CITY
10:12 AM Blue Brandon McElhiney / Jeff Kochtanek
James Hale Basehor
10:48 AM Blue Brian Taylor / Gary Gatten
James J Mangini Basehor
7:57 AM White Jim Rich / Tom Bachelor
Jeff Kochtanek Leawood
10:12 AM Blue Brandon McElhiney / Ian Weintraub
Jeff Mason Kansas City
9:27 AM Black Joe Sharkey / Michael Bessenbacher
Jim Lodes Shawnee
11:24 AM White Nathan Deadmond
Jim Rich Kansas city
7:57 AM White James J Mangini / Tom Bachelor
Joe Sharkey Lenexa
9:27 AM Blue Jeff Mason / Michael Bessenbacher
John Grant Kansas City
8:06 AM White Gary Nicolet / Kenny LaForge
Jon Platz Lenexa
8:42 AM Blue Mark Addington / Thomas Leonard
Kai Frederick Kansas CIty
9:45 AM Blue Eric Johnson
Kenny LaForge Lenexa
8:06 AM White Gary Nicolet / John Grant
Kevin Handlan Kansas City
7:48 AM White David Hamilton / Don Bliss
Kyle Doege Leawood
10:03 AM Blue Dave Wright / Michael Bischoff
Layton Wilson Cleveland
10:39 AM Blue Blake Walker
Lew Merriman Overland Park
9:09 AM White Frank Roth / Steven Frisbie
Marcus Moore Raymore
10:30 AM Blue Garrett Chumley / Matt Stuppy
Mark Addington Overland Park
8:42 AM Blue Jon Platz / Thomas Leonard
Mark Giroux Roeland Park
9:36 AM Blue Nicholas Kiekbusch
Matt Stuppy Overland Park
10:30 AM Blue Garrett Chumley / Marcus Moore
Matt Thornton Kansas City
10:57 AM Blue Carl Nitsche / Ted Arnett
Michael Bessenbacher Overland Park
9:27 AM Black Jeff Mason / Joe Sharkey
Michael Bischoff Shawnee
10:03 AM Blue Dave Wright / Kyle Doege
Michael Buckhouse Tonganoxie
11:15 AM Blue Erik Pottorf
Michael Jorgensen Olathe
8:15 AM Blue Chuck Barry / Samuel Vanlandingham
Mike Houtteman Kansas City
8:51 AM White Mitch Hoffman / Rob Petersen
Mike McNicoll Olathe
8:24 AM White Edward Hoffman / Paul Seyferth
Mike Naegele Lees Summit
11:06 AM Blue Chris Medrow / Trenton Mein
Mitch Hoffman Overland Park
8:51 AM Blue Mike Houtteman / Rob Petersen
Nathan Deadmond Olathe
11:24 AM Blue Jim Lodes
Nicholas Kiekbusch lenexa
9:36 AM Blue Mark Giroux
Nick Berardi Kansas City
9:54 AM Blue Alan Thornton / Chris Magerkurth
Paul Seyferth Kansas City
8:24 AM White Edward Hoffman / Mike McNicoll
Pete Robbins Olathe
7:30 AM White Thomas Mckinnon
Randall Sutcliffe Kansas City
10:21 AM Blue Brian Moeller / Brian Schmidt
Richard Landon Olathe
9:00 AM White Ron Brewer / Wright Beck
7:39 AM White Bob McKinney / William Scott
Rob Petersen Cameron
8:51 AM Blue Mike Houtteman / Mitch Hoffman
Ron Brewer Overland Park
9:00 AM White Richard Landon / Wright Beck
Samuel Vanlandingham Basehor
8:15 AM White Chuck Barry / Michael Jorgensen
Scott Adam Overland Park
8:33 AM Blue Dave Cunningham / Steve Groom
Sidney Adamson Raytown
11:33 AM Blue Brian Stimetz / Chris O'Dowd
Steve Groom raytown
8:33 AM Blue Dave Cunningham / Scott Adam
Steven Frisbie Olathe
9:09 AM White Frank Roth / Lew Merriman
Ted Arnett olathe
10:57 AM Blue Carl Nitsche / Matt Thornton
Thomas Leonard Leawood
8:42 AM Blue Jon Platz / Mark Addington
Thomas Mckinnon Blue Springs
7:30 AM Blue Pete Robbins
Tom Bachelor Olathe
7:57 AM White James J Mangini / Jim Rich
Trenton Mein Olathe
11:06 AM Blue Chris Medrow / Mike Naegele
Tyler Docking Leawood
9:18 AM Black Andrew Forsythe
William Scott Overland Park
7:39 AM White Bob McKinney / Ritch Nigh
9:00 AM White Richard Landon / Ron Brewer