Practice Round (Thu, April 21)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (54)
Aaron Leach
Abra Richmond
Alexia Siehl
Andrew Chen
Angelina Kim
Areen Aggarwal
Austin Hofferkamp
Ben DeLaRosa
Brody McQueen
Brooks Simmons
Carson Bertagnole
Chase Nevins
Clark Xander Goboy
Colin Salema
Drew Clark
Elizabeth Eberle
Ellen Yu
Emily Mathews
Ethan Paschal
Frank Cabeza
Gabriel Palacios
Ian Lentz
Jack Tarzy
James Rico
John Logan
Jonathan Honeywell
Jordan Hwang
Joseph Lenane
Josephine Genereux
Joshua Ince
Jules Gentil
Julie Shin
Kathryn Ha
Kylie Chong
Lindsay McGrath
Macy Pate
Maryanne Grace
Michael La Sasso
Mike Zhang
Nicholas Piesen
Nolan Haynes
Oliver Marshall
Quinlan Polin
Samantha Galantini
Selena Tang
Shlok Jain
Sophie Anand
Suneil Peruvemba
Trey Marrion
Vijay Powell
Wade Watson
William Jun
William Webb
Xing Luo