Round 1 (Fri, September 24)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (52)
Al Lewis
Bob Daggett
Bob Holstrom
Bob Reineccius
Bryan Hanson
Chuck Milne
Craig Bryant
Dave Jarrett
Dennis Durham
Dick Iverson
Dominic Marconi
Don Hutchison
Doug Storey
George Carlson
Guy Williams
Hyon Morrow
Jere Applebee
Jerry Olson
Jerry Olson1
Jerry Olson2
Jerry Olson3
Jim Olson
Jim Snow
Joe Peccia
John Blodgett
Ken VanDaam
Kevin Coombs
Larry Sorenson
Marvin Johnson
Mike Gleason
Mitch Paola
Phil Bostwick
Randy Wilson
Ray Larsen
Rich Oberst
Rick Elyea
Rick Nelson
Rick Palo
Rick Radke
Rob Craig
Robert Jackson
Sam Godair
Scott Cravens
Steve Meisner
Steve Yeager
Ted Westling
Ted Westling1
Terry Gaylord
TK Stephens
Tom Hinton
Tom New
Vernie Santos