2021 WMC Ranch Club Pro-Am Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, September 13

The Ranch Club
Time Players
The Ranch Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Bannister, Patrick
12:00 PM Silver Flikkema, Andrew + Forbes, Dave + Whittenburg, Scott
Bauer, Dave
1:30 PM Silver King, Ron + Nettleton, Bruce
Benson, Derek
12:30 PM Gold Lindholm, Logan + Thompson, Andy + Woods, Bart
Benson, Jim
8:50 AM Gold Christiansen, Bob + Cote, Bob + Hardee, Jeffrey
Bieber, Steve
12:10 PM Silver Fortune, Jesse + Moretti, Tony
Bigelow, Kelly
8:10 AM Gold Johnson, Todd + Rath, Shawn
Bryson, Brad
10:00 AM Gold Carlson, Chad + Horne, Jim + Spencer, Jim
Buls, Josh
12:20 PM Gold Buls, Nick + Buls, Ryan + Liebert, Tara
Buls, Nick
12:20 PM Gold Buls, Josh + Buls, Ryan + Liebert, Tara
Buls, Ryan
12:20 PM Gold Buls, Josh + Buls, Nick + Liebert, Tara
Burd, Wes
11:30 AM Silver Lee, Marvin + Richie, mark
Bustos, Ignacio
8:20 AM Silver Miller, Nathan + NISBET, Robin + Nisbet, Dennis
Carlson, Chad
10:00 AM Gold Bryson, Brad + Horne, Jim + Spencer, Jim
Case, Dusty
9:10 AM Gold Oyler, Jason + Sciacca, Seth
Cawley-Murphree, Nicolaus
1:40 PM Gold Jasnicki, David + Lovejoy, Kurt + Warner, Randy
Chirino, Jose
10:10 AM Gold Levitt, Mike + Lindell, Tommy + Malby, Ryan
Christiansen, Bob
8:50 AM Silver Benson, Jim + Cote, Bob + Hardee, Jeffrey
Christofferson , Bruce
10:40 AM Silver Edstrom, Gene + Navone, Dave + Shook, Matt
Copeland, Ken
11:00 AM Gold Gable, Kyle + Paulson, Griff + Roper, Jess
Corn, Steve
8:00 AM Silver Ellis, Brodie + Schmauch, Michael + Smith, Quincy
Cote, Bob
8:50 AM Silver Benson, Jim + Christiansen, Bob + Hardee, Jeffrey
Cutter, Ryan
9:50 AM Gold Doniak, Josh + Walker, Jason + Warner, Nate
DeWitt, John
10:20 AM Silver Huff , Kevin + Montoya , Frank + Montoya , Lee
Doniak, Josh
9:50 AM Gold Cutter, Ryan + Walker, Jason + Warner, Nate
Doty, LeRoy
11:10 AM Gold Holmgren, Brad + Mickens, Sean
Dunn, Mike
9:40 AM Gold Fero, Chad + Nowlen, Christopher + Shott, Andy
Edstrom, Gene
10:40 AM Silver Christofferson , Bruce + Navone, Dave + Shook, Matt
Ellis, Brodie
8:00 AM Gold Corn, Steve + Schmauch, Michael + Smith, Quincy
Fero, Chad
9:40 AM Gold Dunn, Mike + Nowlen, Christopher + Shott, Andy
Flikkema, Andrew
12:00 PM Gold Bannister, Patrick + Forbes, Dave + Whittenburg, Scott
Forbes, Dave
12:00 PM Silver Bannister, Patrick + Flikkema, Andrew + Whittenburg, Scott
Fortune, Jesse
12:10 PM Gold Bieber, Steve + Moretti, Tony
Gable, Kyle
11:00 AM Gold Copeland, Ken + Paulson, Griff + Roper, Jess
Gaughan, Dan
1:20 PM Silver Moon, Bob + Wingard, Mike + Wright, Travis
Hardee, Jeffrey
8:50 AM Gold Benson, Jim + Christiansen, Bob + Cote, Bob
Harpster, Mikal
11:40 AM Gold Powers, Eric + Stanich, Steve + Vargos, Steve
Harrington, Steve
8:30 AM Silver Michael, Helene + Philiber, Lance
Hauser, Sean
9:30 AM Gold Lehtola, Jason + Mittlestadt, Kyle + Velk, John
Hoerner, Austin
12:40 PM Gold Hughes-Blanks, Merritt + Ray, Timothy + Smith, Ben
Holmgren, Brad
11:10 AM Gold Doty, LeRoy + Mickens, Sean
Horne, Jim
10:00 AM Gold Bryson, Brad + Carlson, Chad + Spencer, Jim
Huff , Kevin
10:20 AM Gold DeWitt, John + Montoya , Frank + Montoya , Lee
Hughes-Blanks, Merritt
12:40 PM Gold Hoerner, Austin + Ray, Timothy + Smith, Ben
Jasnicki, David
1:40 PM Silver Cawley-Murphree, Nicolaus + Lovejoy, Kurt + Warner, Randy
Jessop, Paul
11:20 AM Gold Jessop, les + Rider, Steve + Wilson, Jacob
Jessop, les
11:20 AM Gold Jessop, Paul + Rider, Steve + Wilson, Jacob
Johnson, Todd
8:10 AM Gold Bigelow, Kelly + Rath, Shawn
King, Ron
1:30 PM Silver Bauer, Dave + Nettleton, Bruce
Lee, Marvin
11:30 AM Gold Burd, Wes + Richie, mark
Lehtola, Jason
9:30 AM Gold Hauser, Sean + Mittlestadt, Kyle + Velk, John
Levitt, Mike
10:10 AM Gold Chirino, Jose + Lindell, Tommy + Malby, Ryan
Liebert, Tara
12:20 PM Silver - Lady Professionals Buls, Josh + Buls, Nick + Buls, Ryan
Lindell, Tommy
10:10 AM Gold Chirino, Jose + Levitt, Mike + Malby, Ryan
Lindholm, Logan
12:30 PM Gold Benson, Derek + Thompson, Andy + Woods, Bart
Lovejoy, Kurt
1:40 PM Silver Cawley-Murphree, Nicolaus + Jasnicki, David + Warner, Randy
MacMillan , Jim
10:30 AM Gold Pericich , Larry + Yerkich , Peter
Malby, Ryan
10:10 AM Gold Chirino, Jose + Levitt, Mike + Lindell, Tommy
Michael, Helene
8:30 AM Copper Harrington, Steve + Philiber, Lance
Mickens, Sean
11:10 AM Gold Doty, LeRoy + Holmgren, Brad
Miller, Gerald
10:50 AM Gold Perros, John + Veroulis, Bob + Veroulis, Paull
Miller, Nathan
8:20 AM Gold Bustos, Ignacio + NISBET, Robin + Nisbet, Dennis
Mittlestadt, Kyle
9:30 AM Gold Hauser, Sean + Lehtola, Jason + Velk, John
Montoya , Frank
10:20 AM Gold DeWitt, John + Huff , Kevin + Montoya , Lee
Montoya , Lee
10:20 AM Silver DeWitt, John + Huff , Kevin + Montoya , Frank
Moon, Bob
1:20 PM Silver Gaughan, Dan + Wingard, Mike + Wright, Travis
Moretti, Tony
12:10 PM Gold Bieber, Steve + Fortune, Jesse
8:20 AM Copper Bustos, Ignacio + Miller, Nathan + Nisbet, Dennis
Navone, Dave
10:40 AM Silver Christofferson , Bruce + Edstrom, Gene + Shook, Matt
Nettleton, Bruce
1:30 PM Silver Bauer, Dave + King, Ron
Nisbet, Dennis
8:20 AM Silver Bustos, Ignacio + Miller, Nathan + NISBET, Robin
Nowlen, Christopher
9:40 AM Gold Dunn, Mike + Fero, Chad + Shott, Andy
Owens, David
9:00 AM Gold Rummel, Bill + Satter, Bryce + Shonkwiler, Chuck
Oyler, Jason
9:10 AM Gold Case, Dusty + Sciacca, Seth
Paulson, Griff
11:00 AM Gold Copeland, Ken + Gable, Kyle + Roper, Jess
Pericich , Larry
10:30 AM Silver MacMillan , Jim + Yerkich , Peter
Perros, John
10:50 AM Silver Miller, Gerald + Veroulis, Bob + Veroulis, Paull
Philiber, Lance
8:30 AM Gold Harrington, Steve + Michael, Helene
Powers, Eric
11:40 AM Gold Harpster, Mikal + Stanich, Steve + Vargos, Steve
Rath, Shawn
8:10 AM Gold Bigelow, Kelly + Johnson, Todd
Ray, Timothy
12:40 PM Gold Hoerner, Austin + Hughes-Blanks, Merritt + Smith, Ben
Richardson, Scott
9:20 AM Gold Spurgeon, Mike + Spurgeon, Rickie + Ursua, Larry
Richie, mark
11:30 AM Silver Burd, Wes + Lee, Marvin
Rider, Steve
11:20 AM Gold Jessop, Paul + Jessop, les + Wilson, Jacob
Roper, Jess
11:00 AM Gold Copeland, Ken + Gable, Kyle + Paulson, Griff
Rummel, Bill
9:00 AM Silver Owens, David + Satter, Bryce + Shonkwiler, Chuck
Satter, Bryce
9:00 AM Silver Owens, David + Rummel, Bill + Shonkwiler, Chuck
Schmauch, Michael
8:00 AM Silver Corn, Steve + Ellis, Brodie + Smith, Quincy
Sciacca, Seth
9:10 AM Gold Case, Dusty + Oyler, Jason
Shonkwiler, Chuck
9:00 AM Silver Owens, David + Rummel, Bill + Satter, Bryce
Shook, Matt
10:40 AM Gold Christofferson , Bruce + Edstrom, Gene + Navone, Dave
Shott, Andy
9:40 AM Silver Dunn, Mike + Fero, Chad + Nowlen, Christopher
Smith, Ben
12:40 PM Gold Hoerner, Austin + Hughes-Blanks, Merritt + Ray, Timothy
Smith, Quincy
8:00 AM Gold Corn, Steve + Ellis, Brodie + Schmauch, Michael
Spencer, Jim
10:00 AM Silver Bryson, Brad + Carlson, Chad + Horne, Jim
Spurgeon, Mike
9:20 AM Silver Richardson, Scott + Spurgeon, Rickie + Ursua, Larry
Spurgeon, Rickie
9:20 AM Gold Richardson, Scott + Spurgeon, Mike + Ursua, Larry
Stanich, Steve
11:40 AM Silver Harpster, Mikal + Powers, Eric + Vargos, Steve
Thompson, Andy
12:30 PM Gold Benson, Derek + Lindholm, Logan + Woods, Bart
Ursua, Larry
9:20 AM Silver Richardson, Scott + Spurgeon, Mike + Spurgeon, Rickie
Vargos, Steve
11:40 AM Silver Harpster, Mikal + Powers, Eric + Stanich, Steve
Velk, John
9:30 AM Gold Hauser, Sean + Lehtola, Jason + Mittlestadt, Kyle
Veroulis, Bob
10:50 AM Gold Miller, Gerald + Perros, John + Veroulis, Paull
Veroulis, Paull
10:50 AM Gold Miller, Gerald + Perros, John + Veroulis, Bob
Walker, Jason
9:50 AM Gold Cutter, Ryan + Doniak, Josh + Warner, Nate
Warner, Nate
9:50 AM Gold Cutter, Ryan + Doniak, Josh + Walker, Jason
Warner, Randy
1:40 PM Silver Cawley-Murphree, Nicolaus + Jasnicki, David + Lovejoy, Kurt
Whittenburg, Scott
12:00 PM Silver Bannister, Patrick + Flikkema, Andrew + Forbes, Dave
Wilson, Jacob
11:20 AM Gold Jessop, Paul + Jessop, les + Rider, Steve
Wingard, Mike
1:20 PM Silver Gaughan, Dan + Moon, Bob + Wright, Travis
Woods, Bart
12:30 PM Gold Benson, Derek + Lindholm, Logan + Thompson, Andy
Wright, Travis
1:20 PM Gold Gaughan, Dan + Moon, Bob + Wingard, Mike
Yerkich , Peter
10:30 AM Silver MacMillan , Jim + Pericich , Larry