2021 U.S. Senior Amateur Qualifying - Castlewoods Country Club - Qualifying Information
Format/Field Size: Qualifying is set for 18-Holes of Individual Stroke Play. The total field size is 21 players.
Qualifying Spots: 1 Qualifying Spot, 2 Alternates
Practice Round: Players are instructed to make tee times through Castlewoods Country Club golf shop by calling 601-992-1942. Practice rounds are available at a fee of $20 payable directly to Castlewoods CC on the day you play. Practice Rounds are available anytime on July 27th or anytime after 10:00AM on July 20, 21, or 22.
Starting Times: Starting times are now viewable online by clicking the link below. A pdf has also been attached to this email for your convenience.
Range Balls: Range balls will be provided on the morning of the Qualifying event.
Player Carts: Players will be allowed to utilize golf carts during the Qualifying Round. Carts will be $20 payable directly to Castlewoods Country Club the morning of your qualifying round. Please note that per the USGA "1-seat" Cart Policy players are allowed to utilize a golf cart during Qualifying or his caddie may utlize the seat but only 1 may be riding at a time. It is prohibited for both the player and the caddie to be utilizing a "seat" at the same time.
Spectator Carts: There will be no spectator carts available. Spectators who can provide a valid Handicap registration will need to get approval from the MGA Official in Charge and it will be based on club availability.
EMD’s: Electronic measuring devices that measure distance only are permitted for the championship.
Groove Condition: The USGA groove condition of competition effective January 1, 2010 is in effect for this championship.
One Ball Rule: The Rules as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-4. "During an entire round, each ball at which the player makes a stroke must be the same brand and model as found in a single entry in the current List of Conforming Balls."
Player F&B: Players will be able to make Food & Beverage purchases using cash or credit card while at Castlewoods Country Club.