8/10/21 Montague Golf Club State Day Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Tue, August 10
Email Pace of Play report to Ellen McAndrew piquettemcandrew@gmail.com

Montague Golf Club - Archived on 11-15-2022 / Red - Ladies
Time Players
Montague Golf Club - Archived on 11-15-2022
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allen, Marilyn
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Dente, Colette + McNally, Donna
Allsopp, Jo
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Fox, Sue + Hoehn, Nancy + Yusko, Shelly
Armstrong, Carol
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Blackman, Annemarie + McGrath, Patty
Badger, Brenda
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Becker, Donna + Johnson, Karen + McAndrew, Ellen
Barnard, Denise
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Gilroy, Delina + Marshall, Carolyn + Mazut, Donna
Barnhill, Tapp
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Mason, Amy + Remy, Darlene + Valente, Jojo
Becker, Donna
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Badger, Brenda + Johnson, Karen + McAndrew, Ellen
Belter, Joyce
8:50 AM Red - Ladies Smith, Joyce + Wilson, Tory
Bingham, Sandra
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Kelly, Deb + Maxfield, Penny + Vest, Julie
Blackman, Annemarie
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Armstrong, Carol + McGrath, Patty
Bronson, Mary
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Gillander, Nellie + Goff, Valerie + Venema, Stephanie
Dente, Colette
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Allen, Marilyn + McNally, Donna
Dolan, Lois
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Hayden, Janet + Morrissey, Jeanne
Ewald, Diane
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Miller, Ellen + Sanborn, Patricia + Smith, Christine
Fox, Sue
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Hoehn, Nancy + Yusko, Shelly
Frankenstein, Ute
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Genereaux, Cadence
Genereaux, Cadence
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Frankenstein, Ute
Gillander, Nellie
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Bronson, Mary + Goff, Valerie + Venema, Stephanie
Gilroy, Delina
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Barnard, Denise + Marshall, Carolyn + Mazut, Donna
Goff, Valerie
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Bronson, Mary + Gillander, Nellie + Venema, Stephanie
Goodrich, Vicki
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Heald, Bonnie + Hiller, Edith + Shomo, Mary Jane
Hathorn, Mary
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Holmes, Clarissa + Laraway, Regina + Odell, Storme
Hayden, Janet
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Dolan, Lois + Morrissey, Jeanne
Heald, Bonnie
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Goodrich, Vicki + Hiller, Edith + Shomo, Mary Jane
Hiller, Edith
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Goodrich, Vicki + Heald, Bonnie + Shomo, Mary Jane
Hoehn, Nancy
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Yusko, Shelly
Holmes, Clarissa
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Hathorn, Mary + Laraway, Regina + Odell, Storme
Johnson, Karen
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Badger, Brenda + Becker, Donna + McAndrew, Ellen
Kelly, Deb
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Bingham, Sandra + Maxfield, Penny + Vest, Julie
Laraway, Regina
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Hathorn, Mary + Holmes, Clarissa + Odell, Storme
Marshall, Carolyn
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Barnard, Denise + Gilroy, Delina + Mazut, Donna
Mason, Amy
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Barnhill, Tapp + Remy, Darlene + Valente, Jojo
Maxfield, Penny
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Bingham, Sandra + Kelly, Deb + Vest, Julie
Mazut, Donna
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Barnard, Denise + Gilroy, Delina + Marshall, Carolyn
McAndrew, Ellen
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Badger, Brenda + Becker, Donna + Johnson, Karen
McGrath, Patty
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Annemarie
McNally, Donna
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Allen, Marilyn + Dente, Colette
Miller, Ellen
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Ewald, Diane + Sanborn, Patricia + Smith, Christine
Morrissey, Jeanne
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Dolan, Lois + Hayden, Janet
Odell, Storme
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Hathorn, Mary + Holmes, Clarissa + Laraway, Regina
Remy, Darlene
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Barnhill, Tapp + Mason, Amy + Valente, Jojo
Sanborn, Patricia
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Ewald, Diane + Miller, Ellen + Smith, Christine
Shomo, Mary Jane
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Goodrich, Vicki + Heald, Bonnie + Hiller, Edith
Smith, Christine
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Ewald, Diane + Miller, Ellen + Sanborn, Patricia
Smith, Joyce
8:50 AM Red - Ladies Belter, Joyce + Wilson, Tory
Valente, Jojo
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Barnhill, Tapp + Mason, Amy + Remy, Darlene
Venema, Stephanie
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Bronson, Mary + Gillander, Nellie + Goff, Valerie
Vest, Julie
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Bingham, Sandra + Kelly, Deb + Maxfield, Penny
Wilson, Tory
8:50 AM Red - Ladies Belter, Joyce + Smith, Joyce
Yusko, Shelly
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Hoehn, Nancy