7/6/21 Proctor Pittsford State Day (Forward Tees Offered) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Tue, July 6
Email Pace of Play Report to piquettemcandrew@gmail.com

Proctor Pittsford Country Club - Archived on 05-15-2022
Time Players
Proctor Pittsford Country Club - Archived on 05-15-2022
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allbright, Kathy
9:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Menduni, Mary Beth + Merrill, Suzanne + Wade, Trish
Allsopp, Jo
8:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Fox, Sue + Pollock, Denette + Yusko, Shelly
Armstrong, Carol
9:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Blackman, Annemarie + Martin, Pat + McGrath, Patty
Bagley, Sue
10:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Mercier, Dixie + Post, Nancy
Becker, Donna
12:10 PM Regular Tee/Red Bingham, Sandra + Maxfield, Penny + McAndrew, Ellen
Belter, Joyce
9:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Lucey, Ingela + Smith, Joyce + Wilson, Tory
Bingham, Sandra
12:10 PM Regular Tee/Red Becker, Donna + Maxfield, Penny + McAndrew, Ellen
Blackman, Annemarie
9:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Armstrong, Carol + Martin, Pat + McGrath, Patty
Burns, Rosemary
11:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Margiotta, Peg + Tedford, Donna
Dakin, Sujin
10:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Rhyne, Sabine + Scholl, Marilyn
Day, Rebecca
9:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Forester, Lois + Strand, Cyd + Whittaker, Elizabeth
Denis, Winnie
8:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Fothergill, Liz + Murphy, Nancy + Rafter, Maggie
Dente, Colette
10:20 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Ix, Carolyn + McNally, Donna
Devaux, Nancy
11:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Kemp, Kathy + Rouleau, Kathy
Dula, Sue
9:50 AM Regular Tee/Red Murray, Harriet
Eckert, Nancy
8:50 AM Regular Tee/Red Falango, Jude + Thayne, Alice
Engel, Pam
10:50 AM Regular Tee/Red Shaw, Jennifer
Falango, Jude
8:50 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Eckert, Nancy + Thayne, Alice
Field, Alicia
8:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl + Sloan, Tracy
Forester, Lois
9:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Day, Rebecca + Strand, Cyd + Whittaker, Elizabeth
Fothergill, Liz
8:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Denis, Winnie + Murphy, Nancy + Rafter, Maggie
Fox, Sue
8:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Allsopp, Jo + Pollock, Denette + Yusko, Shelly
Frankenstein, Ute
12:00 PM Forward Tee/Yellow Genereaux, Cadence + Giebink, Barb + Reap, Marilyn
Gavens, Marlene
12:20 PM Regular Tee/Red Imperiale, Jane + Twiss, Lynn
Genereaux, Cadence
12:00 PM Forward Tee/Yellow Frankenstein, Ute + Giebink, Barb + Reap, Marilyn
Giebink, Barb
12:00 PM Regular Tee/Red Frankenstein, Ute + Genereaux, Cadence + Reap, Marilyn
Heald, Bonnie
8:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Mahoney, Kristin + Sanborn, Patricia + Shomo, Mary Jane
Henry, Barbara
8:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Field, Alicia + Libardoni, Sherryl + Sloan, Tracy
Hiller, Edith
9:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Miller, Ellen + Mitchell, Carolann + Pearson, Thelma
Hoar, Cheryl
10:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Phillips, Phyllis + Rand, Susan + Savoie, Debbie
Imperiale, Jane
12:20 PM Regular Tee/Red Gavens, Marlene + Twiss, Lynn
Ix, Carolyn
10:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Dente, Colette + McNally, Donna
Kemp, Kathy
11:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Devaux, Nancy + Rouleau, Kathy
Laberge, Nicole
11:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Lafleche, Giselle + Mastalos, Eva + Sims, Eileen
Lafleche, Giselle
11:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Laberge, Nicole + Mastalos, Eva + Sims, Eileen
Libardoni, Sherryl
8:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Sloan, Tracy
Lucey, Ingela
9:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Belter, Joyce + Smith, Joyce + Wilson, Tory
Mahoney, Kristin
8:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Heald, Bonnie + Sanborn, Patricia + Shomo, Mary Jane
Margiotta, Peg
11:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Burns, Rosemary + Tedford, Donna
Martin, Pat
9:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Annemarie + McGrath, Patty
Mastalos, Eva
11:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Laberge, Nicole + Lafleche, Giselle + Sims, Eileen
Maxfield, Penny
12:10 PM Regular Tee/Red Becker, Donna + Bingham, Sandra + McAndrew, Ellen
McAndrew, Ellen
12:10 PM Regular Tee/Red Becker, Donna + Bingham, Sandra + Maxfield, Penny
McGrath, Patty
9:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Annemarie + Martin, Pat
McNally, Donna
10:20 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Dente, Colette + Ix, Carolyn
Menduni, Mary Beth
9:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Allbright, Kathy + Merrill, Suzanne + Wade, Trish
Mercier, Dixie
10:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Bagley, Sue + Post, Nancy
Merrill, Suzanne
9:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Allbright, Kathy + Menduni, Mary Beth + Wade, Trish
Miller, Ellen
9:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Hiller, Edith + Mitchell, Carolann + Pearson, Thelma
Mitchell, Carolann
9:30 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Hiller, Edith + Miller, Ellen + Pearson, Thelma
Mosenthal, Katherine
11:20 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Olcott, Leslie + Washburn, Rennie
Murphy, Nancy
8:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Denis, Winnie + Fothergill, Liz + Rafter, Maggie
Murray, Harriet
9:50 AM Regular Tee/Red Dula, Sue
Natzke, Kath
11:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Sayah, Ceal
Olcott, Leslie
11:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Mosenthal, Katherine + Washburn, Rennie
Pearson, Thelma
9:30 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Hiller, Edith + Miller, Ellen + Mitchell, Carolann
Phillips, Phyllis
10:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Hoar, Cheryl + Rand, Susan + Savoie, Debbie
Pollock, Denette
8:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Yusko, Shelly
Post, Nancy
10:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Bagley, Sue + Mercier, Dixie
Preseau, Mary
10:10 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Quinn, Maureen + Tuttle, Charlotte + Willis, Claire
Quinn, Maureen
10:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Preseau, Mary + Tuttle, Charlotte + Willis, Claire
Rafter, Maggie
8:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Denis, Winnie + Fothergill, Liz + Murphy, Nancy
Rand, Susan
10:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Hoar, Cheryl + Phillips, Phyllis + Savoie, Debbie
Reap, Marilyn
12:00 PM Forward Tee/Yellow Frankenstein, Ute + Genereaux, Cadence + Giebink, Barb
Rees, Sue
8:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Remy, Darlene + Shaeffer, Kristen + Valente, Jojo
Remy, Darlene
8:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Rees, Sue + Shaeffer, Kristen + Valente, Jojo
Rhyne, Sabine
10:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Dakin, Sujin + Scholl, Marilyn
Rouleau, Kathy
11:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Devaux, Nancy + Kemp, Kathy
Sanborn, Patricia
8:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Heald, Bonnie + Mahoney, Kristin + Shomo, Mary Jane
Savoie, Debbie
10:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Hoar, Cheryl + Phillips, Phyllis + Rand, Susan
Sayah, Ceal
11:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Natzke, Kath
Scholl, Marilyn
10:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Dakin, Sujin + Rhyne, Sabine
Shaeffer, Kristen
8:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Rees, Sue + Remy, Darlene + Valente, Jojo
Shaw, Jennifer
10:50 AM Regular Tee/Red Engel, Pam
Shomo, Mary Jane
8:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Heald, Bonnie + Mahoney, Kristin + Sanborn, Patricia
Sims, Eileen
11:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Laberge, Nicole + Lafleche, Giselle + Mastalos, Eva
Sloan, Tracy
8:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl
Smith, Joyce
9:20 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Belter, Joyce + Lucey, Ingela + Wilson, Tory
Strand, Cyd
9:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Day, Rebecca + Forester, Lois + Whittaker, Elizabeth
Tedford, Donna
11:40 AM Regular Tee/Red Burns, Rosemary + Margiotta, Peg
Thayne, Alice
8:50 AM Forward Tee/Yellow Eckert, Nancy + Falango, Jude
Tuttle, Charlotte
10:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Preseau, Mary + Quinn, Maureen + Willis, Claire
Twiss, Lynn
12:20 PM Regular Tee/Red Gavens, Marlene + Imperiale, Jane
Valente, Jojo
8:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Rees, Sue + Remy, Darlene + Shaeffer, Kristen
Wade, Trish
9:00 AM Regular Tee/Red Allbright, Kathy + Menduni, Mary Beth + Merrill, Suzanne
Washburn, Rennie
11:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Mosenthal, Katherine + Olcott, Leslie
Whittaker, Elizabeth
9:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Day, Rebecca + Forester, Lois + Strand, Cyd
Willis, Claire
10:10 AM Regular Tee/Red Preseau, Mary + Quinn, Maureen + Tuttle, Charlotte
Wilson, Tory
9:20 AM Regular Tee/Red Belter, Joyce + Lucey, Ingela + Smith, Joyce
Yusko, Shelly
8:30 AM Regular Tee/Red Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Pollock, Denette