Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Albonetti, Mike | +2.9 |
Bailey, Joel | 9.9 |
Bailey, Kirk | +0.6 |
Bleau, Vinny | +0.7 |
Brewer, Greg | 4.5 |
Burkett, Adam | 1.8 |
Busby, Rick | 8.4 |
Christie, Douglas | 4.3 |
Collins, Tim | +0.5 |
Connolly, Kevin | 7.6 |
Cooper, Matt | +4.8 |
Evensky, Jeffrey | 3.1 |
Fisher, Ben | +3.7 |
Hong, Brandon | 0.2 |
Ingalls, Aaron | +5.3 |
Miller, Tommy | 3.0 |
Mitchell, Matt | +0.8 |
Myers, Alan | +1.6 |
Norman, Jon | 3.7 |
Powell, Trip | +2.0 |
Powers, Phil | +0.7 |
Ramsey, Jack | 4.3 |
Riegler, Pete | 8.8 |
Robbins, Rick | +1.6 |
Rudesill, Steve | 5.1 |
Satterfield, Christian | 0.3 |
Simpson, Gary | 0.6 |
Tayloe, Rob | 0.1 |
Trottman, Lanny | 0.2 |
Winton, Robert | 5.2 |
Zarraonandia, Mike | 1.2 |