2021 One-Day Four-Ball at Country Club of Asheville Tee Sheet

9:30 am Double-Tee Start - Mon, July 12

Country Club of Asheville - Archived on 01-03-2022
Time Hole Players Hole Players
9:30 AM 1
Kevin King
Mary-Paige King
Kim Clarke
Eric Whitworth
Stephen Dunn
Kenny Flynn
Paul Carpenter
Chris Lowman
9:40 AM 1
Karin Wu
Johnson Wu
Chan Stimart
Dick Stimart
Doug Appleby
Kurt Waldthausen
Mackey Miles
Jason Motte
9:50 AM 1
Rick Hogan
Ann Hogan
Tamera Elam
Gary Elam
Anthony Hiatt
Joey Perkins
Mark Nieters
John Nieters
10:00 AM 1
Julie Christianson
Jeffrey Christianson
Robbie Knotts
Maynard Knotts
Rodney Nijoka
Levi Shelton
Chris Koon
Tanner Koon
10:10 AM 1
John Paul Sullivan
John Sullivan
Christine Marti
Don Marti
Van Nance
Brad Mundy
Brad Abernathy
Michael Greene
10:20 AM 1
Mike Thorne
Tracy Thorne
Tami Valentine
Richard Valentine
Kris McClellan
Wes McIver
Matt Bostic
Lee Collette
10:30 AM 1
Tricia Hull
Stan Hull
Brandon Britt
Megan Britt
Alexander Cardwell
Kurt Beal
Bret Kinney
James Austin
10:40 AM 1
Donna Pratt
Bill Pratt
Jim Tribble
Audrey Tribble
Vic Ruotolo
Osman Chaudhry
Hayes Wauford
Travis Linter
10:50 AM 1
Alice Lance
Tom Lance
Alan Furman
Patricia Furman
Stephen Edwards
Steve Kearns
Graham McLamb
Justin Koteff
11:00 AM 1
June Wang
Janet Myers
Lee Heelan
Vicki Wood
Brian Harris
Colton Makowiec
Hugh Beckwith
Tim Copper
11:10 AM 1
Jane Swanson
Jackie Edmunds
Michelle Horvath
Candice Horvath
John Brown
Matt Richards
Jeff Ferguson
Glenn Collins
11:20 AM 1
Teresa Prestwood
Alice Queen
Larry Westcott
Wiley Barrett
Tim Whitener
Sam Nave
Jeffrey Jennings
Norman Masterson
11:30 AM 1
Brandon Godfrey
Rick Condrey
James Gore
Dennis Lewis
Tim Nix
Bill Gee
Jim Lazour
Mark Kopec
Country Club of Asheville - Archived on 01-03-2022
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alan Furman
10:50 AM 1 Green Alice Lance + Patricia Furman + Tom Lance
Alexander Cardwell
10:30 AM 10 Black Bret Kinney + James Austin + Kurt Beal
Alice Lance
10:50 AM 1 Red (W) Alan Furman + Patricia Furman + Tom Lance
Alice Queen
11:20 AM 1 Red (W) Larry Westcott + Teresa Prestwood + Wiley Barrett
Ann Hogan
9:50 AM 1 Red (W) Gary Elam + Rick Hogan + Tamera Elam
Anthony Hiatt
9:50 AM 10 Black Joey Perkins + John Nieters + Mark Nieters
Audrey Tribble
10:40 AM 1 Red (W) Bill Pratt + Donna Pratt + Jim Tribble
Bill Gee
11:30 AM 10 White Jim Lazour + Mark Kopec + Tim Nix
Bill Pratt
10:40 AM 1 Green Audrey Tribble + Donna Pratt + Jim Tribble
Brad Abernathy
10:10 AM 10 Black Brad Mundy + Michael Greene + Van Nance
Brad Mundy
10:10 AM 10 Black Brad Abernathy + Michael Greene + Van Nance
Brandon Britt
10:30 AM 1 Green Megan Britt + Stan Hull + Tricia Hull
Brandon Godfrey
11:30 AM 1 Green Dennis Lewis + James Gore + Rick Condrey
Bret Kinney
10:30 AM 10 Black Alexander Cardwell + James Austin + Kurt Beal
Brian Harris
11:00 AM 10 White Colton Makowiec + Hugh Beckwith + Tim Copper
Candice Horvath
11:10 AM 1 Red (W) Jackie Edmunds + Jane Swanson + Michelle Horvath
Chan Stimart
9:40 AM 1 Red (W) Dick Stimart + Johnson Wu + Karin Wu
Chris Koon
10:00 AM 10 Black Levi Shelton + Rodney Nijoka + Tanner Koon
Chris Lowman
9:30 AM 10 Black Kenny Flynn + Paul Carpenter + Stephen Dunn
Christine Marti
10:10 AM 1 Red (W) Don Marti + John Paul Sullivan + John Sullivan
Colton Makowiec
11:00 AM 10 White Brian Harris + Hugh Beckwith + Tim Copper
Dennis Lewis
11:30 AM 1 Green Brandon Godfrey + James Gore + Rick Condrey
Dick Stimart
9:40 AM 1 Green Chan Stimart + Johnson Wu + Karin Wu
Don Marti
10:10 AM 1 Green Christine Marti + John Paul Sullivan + John Sullivan
Donna Pratt
10:40 AM 1 Red (W) Audrey Tribble + Bill Pratt + Jim Tribble
Doug Appleby
9:40 AM 10 Black Jason Motte + Kurt Waldthausen + Mackey Miles
Eric Whitworth
9:30 AM 1 Green Kevin King + Kim Clarke + Mary-Paige King
Gary Elam
9:50 AM 1 Green Ann Hogan + Rick Hogan + Tamera Elam
Glenn Collins
11:10 AM 10 White Jeff Ferguson + John Brown + Matt Richards
Graham McLamb
10:50 AM 10 White Justin Koteff + Stephen Edwards + Steve Kearns
Hayes Wauford
10:40 AM 10 Black Osman Chaudhry + Travis Linter + Vic Ruotolo
Hugh Beckwith
11:00 AM 10 White Brian Harris + Colton Makowiec + Tim Copper
Jackie Edmunds
11:10 AM 1 Red (W) Candice Horvath + Jane Swanson + Michelle Horvath
James Austin
10:30 AM 10 Black Alexander Cardwell + Bret Kinney + Kurt Beal
James Gore
11:30 AM 1 Green Brandon Godfrey + Dennis Lewis + Rick Condrey
Jane Swanson
11:10 AM 1 Red (W) Candice Horvath + Jackie Edmunds + Michelle Horvath
Janet Myers
11:00 AM 1 Red (W) June Wang + Lee Heelan + Vicki Wood
Jason Motte
9:40 AM 10 Black Doug Appleby + Kurt Waldthausen + Mackey Miles
Jeff Ferguson
11:10 AM 10 White Glenn Collins + John Brown + Matt Richards
Jeffrey Christianson
10:00 AM 1 Green Julie Christianson + Maynard Knotts + Robbie Knotts
Jeffrey Jennings
11:20 AM 10 White Norman Masterson + Sam Nave + Tim Whitener
Jim Lazour
11:30 AM 10 White Bill Gee + Mark Kopec + Tim Nix
Jim Tribble
10:40 AM 1 Green Audrey Tribble + Bill Pratt + Donna Pratt
Joey Perkins
9:50 AM 10 Black Anthony Hiatt + John Nieters + Mark Nieters
John Brown
11:10 AM 10 White Glenn Collins + Jeff Ferguson + Matt Richards
John Nieters
9:50 AM 10 Black Anthony Hiatt + Joey Perkins + Mark Nieters
John Paul Sullivan
10:10 AM 1 Black Christine Marti + Don Marti + John Sullivan
John Sullivan
10:10 AM 1 Black Christine Marti + Don Marti + John Paul Sullivan
Johnson Wu
9:40 AM 1 Green Chan Stimart + Dick Stimart + Karin Wu
Julie Christianson
10:00 AM 1 Red (W) Jeffrey Christianson + Maynard Knotts + Robbie Knotts
June Wang
11:00 AM 1 Red (W) Janet Myers + Lee Heelan + Vicki Wood
Justin Koteff
10:50 AM 10 White Graham McLamb + Stephen Edwards + Steve Kearns
Karin Wu
9:40 AM 1 Red (W) Chan Stimart + Dick Stimart + Johnson Wu
Kenny Flynn
9:30 AM 10 Black Chris Lowman + Paul Carpenter + Stephen Dunn
Kevin King
9:30 AM 1 Green Eric Whitworth + Kim Clarke + Mary-Paige King
Kim Clarke
9:30 AM 1 Red (W) Eric Whitworth + Kevin King + Mary-Paige King
Kris McClellan
10:20 AM 10 Black Lee Collette + Matt Bostic + Wes McIver
Kurt Beal
10:30 AM 10 Black Alexander Cardwell + Bret Kinney + James Austin
Kurt Waldthausen
9:40 AM 10 Black Doug Appleby + Jason Motte + Mackey Miles
Larry Westcott
11:20 AM 1 Green Alice Queen + Teresa Prestwood + Wiley Barrett
Lee Collette
10:20 AM 10 Black Kris McClellan + Matt Bostic + Wes McIver
Lee Heelan
11:00 AM 1 Red (W) Janet Myers + June Wang + Vicki Wood
Levi Shelton
10:00 AM 10 Black Chris Koon + Rodney Nijoka + Tanner Koon
Mackey Miles
9:40 AM 10 Black Doug Appleby + Jason Motte + Kurt Waldthausen
Mark Kopec
11:30 AM 10 White Bill Gee + Jim Lazour + Tim Nix
Mark Nieters
9:50 AM 10 Black Anthony Hiatt + Joey Perkins + John Nieters
Mary-Paige King
9:30 AM 1 Red (W) Eric Whitworth + Kevin King + Kim Clarke
Matt Bostic
10:20 AM 10 Black Kris McClellan + Lee Collette + Wes McIver
Matt Richards
11:10 AM 10 White Glenn Collins + Jeff Ferguson + John Brown
Maynard Knotts
10:00 AM 1 Green Jeffrey Christianson + Julie Christianson + Robbie Knotts
Megan Britt
10:30 AM 1 Red (W) Brandon Britt + Stan Hull + Tricia Hull
Michael Greene
10:10 AM 10 Black Brad Abernathy + Brad Mundy + Van Nance
Michelle Horvath
11:10 AM 1 Red (W) Candice Horvath + Jackie Edmunds + Jane Swanson
Mike Thorne
10:20 AM 1 Green Richard Valentine + Tami Valentine + Tracy Thorne
Norman Masterson
11:20 AM 10 White Jeffrey Jennings + Sam Nave + Tim Whitener
Osman Chaudhry
10:40 AM 10 Black Hayes Wauford + Travis Linter + Vic Ruotolo
Patricia Furman
10:50 AM 1 Red (W) Alan Furman + Alice Lance + Tom Lance
Paul Carpenter
9:30 AM 10 Black Chris Lowman + Kenny Flynn + Stephen Dunn
Richard Valentine
10:20 AM 1 Green Mike Thorne + Tami Valentine + Tracy Thorne
Rick Condrey
11:30 AM 1 Green Brandon Godfrey + Dennis Lewis + James Gore
Rick Hogan
9:50 AM 1 Green Ann Hogan + Gary Elam + Tamera Elam
Robbie Knotts
10:00 AM 1 Red (W) Jeffrey Christianson + Julie Christianson + Maynard Knotts
Rodney Nijoka
10:00 AM 10 Black Chris Koon + Levi Shelton + Tanner Koon
Sam Nave
11:20 AM 10 White Jeffrey Jennings + Norman Masterson + Tim Whitener
Stan Hull
10:30 AM 1 Green Brandon Britt + Megan Britt + Tricia Hull
Stephen Dunn
9:30 AM 10 Black Chris Lowman + Kenny Flynn + Paul Carpenter
Stephen Edwards
10:50 AM 10 Black Graham McLamb + Justin Koteff + Steve Kearns
Steve Kearns
10:50 AM 10 Black Graham McLamb + Justin Koteff + Stephen Edwards
Tamera Elam
9:50 AM 1 Red (W) Ann Hogan + Gary Elam + Rick Hogan
Tami Valentine
10:20 AM 1 Red (W) Mike Thorne + Richard Valentine + Tracy Thorne
Tanner Koon
10:00 AM 10 Black Chris Koon + Levi Shelton + Rodney Nijoka
Teresa Prestwood
11:20 AM 1 Red (W) Alice Queen + Larry Westcott + Wiley Barrett
Tim Copper
11:00 AM 10 White Brian Harris + Colton Makowiec + Hugh Beckwith
Tim Nix
11:30 AM 10 White Bill Gee + Jim Lazour + Mark Kopec
Tim Whitener
11:20 AM 10 White Jeffrey Jennings + Norman Masterson + Sam Nave
Tom Lance
10:50 AM 1 Green Alan Furman + Alice Lance + Patricia Furman
Tracy Thorne
10:20 AM 1 Red (W) Mike Thorne + Richard Valentine + Tami Valentine
Travis Linter
10:40 AM 10 Black Hayes Wauford + Osman Chaudhry + Vic Ruotolo
Tricia Hull
10:30 AM 1 Red (W) Brandon Britt + Megan Britt + Stan Hull
Van Nance
10:10 AM 10 Black Brad Abernathy + Brad Mundy + Michael Greene
Vic Ruotolo
10:40 AM 10 Black Hayes Wauford + Osman Chaudhry + Travis Linter
Vicki Wood
11:00 AM 1 Red (W) Janet Myers + June Wang + Lee Heelan
Wes McIver
10:20 AM 10 Black Kris McClellan + Lee Collette + Matt Bostic
Wiley Barrett
11:20 AM 1 Green Alice Queen + Larry Westcott + Teresa Prestwood