Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | City | State | Affiliation |
Caiazzo | Tony | HENDERSON | NV | Sand Hollow Resort |
Coil | Troy | Washington | Utah | Coral Canyon GC |
Fellingham | Gil | Saratoga Springs | UT | Talonscove GC |
Grow | Lorin | St George | UT | Sunbrook GC |
Herrera | Alberto | St George | Utah | SunRiver GC |
Jorgensen | Jeff | Washington | Utah | Green Spring GC |
Killpack | Bevan | St. George | Utah | The Ledges GC |
Ligon | Joe | Page | AZ | Sky Mountain GC |
Lugar | Bill | Saint George | Utah | Green Spring GC |
Murphy | Brian | Ivins | Utah | Green Spring GC |
Stewart | Damon | St. George | UT | Bloomington CC |
Tangren | Paul | St. George | UT | Green Spring GC |
Wiles | Rick | Salt Lake City | Utah | Bonneville GC |
Wilkinson | Troy | Washington | UT | The Ledges GC |
Young | Brian | Saint George | UT | Sand Hollow Resort |