Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Bowlin, Mitchell | +2.5 |
Bowman, Wes | 4.2 |
Brice, Michael | |
Colley, Justin | 0.7 |
Cottrell, Jacob | +0.7 |
Cox, Trey | |
Dempsey, Jay | 0.2 |
Duff, Andrew | +3.4 |
Fly, Buzz | +0.2 |
Gille, Andrew | 5.5 |
Holmes, Erik | 3.4 |
Hong, Brandon | +1.3 |
Hopper, David | +1.5 |
Irving, Davis | +3.2 |
Krebs, Kyle | 2.2 |
Lott, John | 5.8 |
Mann, Barrett | 3.5 |
Maybee, Daniel | +0.9 |
McCommon, Jackson | +1.5 |
Metzger, Justin | |
Midyett, Edward | 3.8 |
Miller, Drew | +4.7 |
Miller, Michael | 2.5 |
Morgan, Townsend | +0.1 |
Powell, Trip | +1.6 |
Powers , Jake | 4.7 |
Reuter, Jeff | +2.9 |
Rhoten, Sam | 2.8 |
Rudesill, Steven | 6.9 |
Satterfield, Christian | 5.4 |
Sweet, Aaron | 1.1 |
Tayloe, Rob | 2.7 |
Wilson, Toby | +2.8 |
Wood, Foster | +0.7 |
Young, Cy | +1.4 |
Zarraonandia, Mike | 1.0 |