Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Atkinson, Brannan | 0.3 |
Bailey , Zach | +2.5 |
Baxter, Davis | +2.9 |
Burch, John | +0.8 |
Calway-Fagen, Daniel | 4.0 |
Cherry, Andrew | 2.0 |
Cobb, Alex | +4.3 |
Conner, Forrest | 3.5 |
Crutcher, Wesley | 5.6 |
Davis, Ean | +3.8 |
Dean, Phillip | 0.2 |
Falzone, Rosario | +3.8 |
Flynn, Brenton | +3.0 |
Foltz, R.J. | +0.4 |
Fought, J.J. | 4.0 |
Fultz, Jermey | +1.7 |
Garland, Jacob | +1.3 |
Garland, Rob | +2.2 |
Heavrin, Ben | +0.4 |
Howard, Drew | +0.1 |
Hudson, Scotty | +3.0 |
Jewell, Brandt | 4.3 |
Johnson, Trenton | +3.0 |
Mann, Steven | 2.4 |
Matlock, Roy | 1.1 |
McDonald, Whitfield | 3.9 |
Miller, Drew | |
Moore, Trey | +0.3 |
Nelms, Josh | +1.7 |
O'Connell, Cade | +1.1 |
Rawding, Tim | 1.6 |
Rice, Brandon | +2.5 |
Robertson, Ben | 1.6 |
Shore, Davis | +6.1 |
Silchuk, Alec | +0.8 |
Simmons, Wilson | +0.5 |
Singer, Jackson | +3.1 |
Stokes, John | +1.7 |
Stumpfig, Jack | |
Sutton, John | +1.5 |
Turner, James | 3.8 |
Tyminski, John | +2.8 |
Vance, Mike | +3.0 |
Watford, Kevin | 0.6 |
Wellons, Bill | +2.0 |
White, Tyler | |
Wilt, Fleming | 2.7 |
Womble, Travis | +0.9 |