29th Louisiana Mid-Amateur Championship
Contraband Bayou Golf Club, Lake Charles, LA
54 holes, Stroke Play
Friday, August 13 - Sunday, August 15, 2021
Defending Champion: Derek Busby, Ruston, LA
The Louisiana Golf Association Mid-Amateur Championship is a 54 hole event for Louisiana residents 25 years of age or older. Entries are open to any Louisiana resident (as of at least 90 days prior to August 13, 2021) who is an amateur golfer holding membership in a LGA member club in good standing. Entrants must possess a certified USGA Handicap Index of 8.0 or less.
Entry Deadline: Monday, August 2, 2021 5:00 PM CST
Refund Policy: Entry fee will be refunded regardless of reason if LGA office is notified, in writing, before 5:00 PM CST on Augsut 2, 2021. After 5 PM on August 2, 2021 fee will be refunded only in the event of injury or illness provided notification (accompanied by a doctor’s statement) reaches LGA office by August 12, 2021. A $45 service charge will be deducted from all refunds.
Eligibility: Entries are open to any Louisiana resident (as of at least 90 days prior to August 13, 2021) who is an amateur golfer (as defined by the USGA) holding membership in a LGA member club in good standing (2021 club and individual dues must be paid). Entrants must be 25 years of age by midnight, August 13, 2021 and possess a certified USGA Handicap Index of 8.0 or less computed through the LGA Handicap Network. Non-amateurs are not eligible. Entries are subject to rejection at any time (including during the Championship) by the LGA. Reasons for rejection may include unbecoming conduct.
Course Set-up/Yardage: Click here to view the Championship set-up.
Format of Play:
Championship will be over 54 holes (3 days x 18 holes/day).
Friday, August 13/First Round, 18 holes; Saturday, August 14/Second Round, 18 holes (60 lowest scorers and ties will continue play August 15; remainder eliminated after 36 holes).
Sunday, August 15/Final Round, 18 holes.
Lowest scorer for 54 holes will be 29th Louisiana Mid-Amateur Champion.
Practice Privileges: Practice round availability for qualifying events is at the discretion of the club hosting the qualifying event. Please contact the club where you will be qualifying for more information. Practice privileges are extended to participants in Championship Round play at Contraband Bayou Golf Club on August 12. Cart fee paid by LGA. Call the golf shop at Contraband Bayou Golf Club on or after July 29, 2021 to schedule a practice round.
Prizes/Playoff: Gift Certificates will be awarded to the top 20 finishers in the Championship. The Mid-Amateur Champion will also receive a Crystal Trophy signifying the 29th Louisiana Mid-Amateur Championship. In case of a tie for the Championship, a sudden death playoff will take place immediately upon conclusion of play on Sunday.
Rules of Golf: Play will be governed by the current Rules of Golf and LGA Rules of Play Card. All questions will be settled by the LGA Rules Committee,whose decision will be final.
HEADQUARTERS HOTEL: L'Auberge Casino Resort, 777 Ave. L'Auberge, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Please call the resort at (337) 395-7777 and mention the LGA Mid-Amateur to recieve the special rate of $129 per night.