2021 U.S. Open First Stage Qualifying - Southern Nevada


2021 U.S. Open Championship

Date: June 17-20, 2021

Venue: Torrey Pines Golf Course

2021 U.S. Open Website



2021 U.S. Open First Stage Qualifying in Southern Nevada

Date: May 17, 2021

Venue: Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort

Course: Sun Mountain Course

Address:  10325 Nu-Wav Kaiv Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89124

Number of qualifying spots: 4

Alternate Spots:  2 

Any questions about U.S. Open First Stage Qualifying in Southern Nevada can be directed to Tim Brand at tbrand@snga.org




ENTRIES: Entries have closed


TEE TIMES:  8:00 - 10:00 AM Double Tee Start


PRACTICE ROUND INFO: Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort is extending a practice round rate of $70 per player for all players signed up to participate in this qualifier. The rate is good from May 10 - May 16, anytime after 10:30 AM (Based on availability). Contact Jeff Corradino at jcorradino@lvpaiute.com or (702) 395-1707 to book a practice round(s). NOTE: This rate is extended to players registered for the qualifier. If you wish to bring a guest(s) the normal course rates for the day and time you wish to play will apply to all other players.


PROJECTED YARDAGES: Please note that these yardages are projected and are subject to change based on weather, course conditions, committee discretion, etc....



Entries are open to professional golfers, amateur golfers, and applicants for reinstatement. Amateurs and applicants for reinstatement must have an up-to-date Handicap Index® based on ratings for men not exceeding 1.4 under the Rules of Handicapping. A handicap index must be issued by a "golf club" that is authorized to use the Rules of Handicapping. The USGA accepts an up-to-date Handicap Index issued from the international body of golf that would be equivalent to a Handicap Index within the prescribed limit for entry into the Championship. 



In Local and Final Stage Qualifying stages and the Championship proper, players must be neat in appearance with respect to clothing and personal grooming. The wearing of short pants is prohibited in the Championship proper, but is permissible in Local and Final Qualifying provided the host club does not have a dress cose prohibiting such.



The USGA Championship Committee/on-site Rules Committee reserves the right to alter any of the Local Rules, Terms of the Competition, provisions and/or schedules herein. The decision of the Championship Committee/on-site Rules Committee in any matter will be final.



During both Local and Final Qualifying rounds, the use of electronic distance-measuring devices to measure distance only is allowed. However, during the Championship Proper, the Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect and prohibits the use of electronic distance-measuring devices. Model Local Rule G-5.



Qualifying Rounds: A player may provide his own caddie. If he wishes to have the host club furnish a caddie, he should ask the Official in Charge because sufficient caddies may not be available at the host club.

Championship proper: A player may provide his own caddie. If he wishes to have a caddie provided to him by the host club, he must complete the information as outlined in the Memorandum to Players.

A player is not required to employ a caddie for any stage of the Championship.



Spectators are permitted for this event. Spectators must walk at all times and there are NO exceptions. Spectators must remain on or near the cart paths at all times and must not distract any of the competitors. 



The Local Rule prohibiting the use of motorized transportation as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect, except at certain qualifying sites as indicated on this entry application where the caddie only is permitted to use motorized transportation. Model Local Rule G-6.

As a general rule, players and their caddies must walk the course at USGA Championships and at most qualifying rounds. But consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a disabled player or caddie may be permitted to use a golf cart as an accommodation to his or her disability for those events where golf carts are not allowed. As required by the ADA, the USGA will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis.

In order for the USGA to properly evaluate the merits of such requests, while maintaining the fundamental fairness of the golf competition, it is necessary for players requesting this accommodation (whether submitted by the player, by the player for the player’s caddie or by the parent/legal guardian of a minor player) to submit medical documentation to facilitate that analysis. The documentation provided must demonstrate: (1) a player’s (or caddie’s) disability as defined by the ADA; (2) the medical need for the golf cart that results from that disability; and (3) that by providing a golf cart to a player or caddie in that particular circumstance, the USGA would not be fundamentally altering the fairness of the competition by providing a player with an advantage over other players. The required form entitled Golf Cart Request Form (as well as additional important information for first time and subsequent requests for a cart) is available at the following link:
