U.S. Women’s Four-Ball Championship Qualifying
Green Valley Country Club
November 16, 2020
Player Information Sheet
Club Information (website/directions):
Green Valley Country Club
35 Country Club drive
Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 864-0473
One 18 hole round of four-ball stroke play. Contestants will play from the USGA Markers wherever they are situated (see Yardage sheet). The low FOUR sides will advance to the Championship at Maridoe Golf Club in Carrollton, TX on April 24-28, 2021. Any play-offs will take place immediately after the conclusion of play for the last spot and two alternate positions.
Competition Schedule:
Starting times will begin at 9:00am off of hole #1 and 9:05am of of hole #10.
Please be at your assigned tee at least 10 minutes prior to your starting time.
Local Rules / Hole Locations / Scorecards:
All paperwork will be available to players ONLINE linked below on or before November 15th:
Practice Round Information:
Contestants are provided one complimentary practice round.
Please call the Pro Shop to schedule a practice round. Cart fee is $18.
Practice rounds available to CONTESTANTS ONLY – no guest play permitted.
Caddies are not permitted.
Spectators are permitted on site, however players are asked to limit to one spectator.
No spectator carts will be permitted under any circumstances.
Practice Balls:
Provided for players prior to and following competition round at no cost. The practice range will open at 7:00 AM.
Payment Information:
Cash, credit cards and reciprocal club charge are accepted for all purchases at golf shop and restaurant.
Food and Beverage Information:
Grab and go food and drinks will be available for purchase outside the Pro Shop.
Notify the NCGA at 831-625-4653 to withdraw. Players that fail to notify the NCGA prior to their starting time will be listed as No Shows.
Players who withdraw after close of entries but prior to the qualifier will not be issued a refund unless the reason for withdrawing is medically related. If a player/side is forced to withdraw due to newly instituted travel restrictions mandated by state/local government or the Allied Golf Association (i.e. travel restrictions that were not in place prior to close of entries) and the player/side is unwilling or unable to transfer sites, a refund (less the service charge) will be issued. No refund for any reason after April 24, 2021.
Rules Information:
The Rules of Golf effective January 1, 2019 are in effect and are supplemented by the 2020 USGA Hard Card. The Committee will provide any additional Local Rules needed at the qualifying site. It is the player’s responsibility to know the terms of the competition.
Scoring: Players are expected to arrive at their first tee with the latest version of the USGA Tournament Management or GolfGenius app. The player GGID is available on the scorecard PDF available above and will be given to you on the first tee by the starter. When logging in, you MUST login using the provided Player GGID or you will not get access to the digital scorecard portion of the app. Player Digital Scoring Preview
- DURING THE ROUND - Within the group, players will be marking for one other player (just as you would with a paper scorecard). The electronic scorecard has a section for "Marker's Notes". This is the equivalent to the tear strip at the top of a scorecard where the marker may keep his or her own scores.
- WHEN ROUND IS COMPLETED - At the end of the round, all players in the group must report any rules issues to the committee and confirm hole-by-hole scores are correct. If there are any discrepancies between your "Marker's Notes" and the scores your marker entered for you, they will be highlighted in yellow.
- CERTIFYING SCORES - Once all scores are correct you will be prompted to "Certify as Marker" and then you will move to "My Scores", located at the top of your screen, and then be prompted to "Certify as Player". This is the equivalent of signing a paper scorecard and satisfies the requirements of Rule 3.3b. Scores will be considered official and returned once the player has left the defined scoring area. The scoring area will be defined within The Notice to Players.
- Staff contact information is available in the Notice to Players linked above if you have any questions after your round.
Bunkers and Rakes: Bunker rakes are not permitted due to current public health guidelines and have been removed from the course. After making a stroke from a bunker, players should attempt to smooth any disturbed areas with their feet and/or a golf club.
Disturbed areas in bunkers are ground under repair from which relief is available from interference to the lie of the ball and the area of intended swing only (see Rule 16.1). When relief is available, free relief may be taken by dropping and playing a ball from within one club-length of the nearest point of complete relief (Rule 16.1c(1)), or relief may be taken outside the bunker for one penalty stroke by using the back-on-the-line relief procedure (Rule 16.1c(2)).
A “disturbed area” includes sand in a bunker that has clearly been disturbed by a player, or other person, and includes areas where smoothing has occurred.
Caddies: Caddies are not permitted. See Model Local Rule H-1.1.
Flagstick: For the health and safety of all players, the flagstick may not be removed from the hole or touched during play. Exception: When a flagstick is at rest in the hole and is not centered, the flagstick may be centered using a club or by hand with a towel wrapped around the flagstick.
Holing Out: Green Valley Country Club has installed a foam insert that allows the ball to fall into the hole part way, while making the ball easily retrievable to minimize shared contact points. The foam is treated as part of the flagstick, and if any part of the ball is below the surface of the putting green and is resting on that device or leaning against the flagstick, the ball is treated as holed. However, a ball that hits the foam and does not come to rest with any part of the ball within the hole below the surface of the putting green is not holed.
Golf Balls and Driver Heads:
Only brands of golf balls on the most current List of Conforming Golf Balls and driver heads on the most current List of Conforming Driver Heads may be used. Updated lists may be found on the USGA website at www.usga.org or by contacting the USGA Equipment Standards Department at (908) 234-2300. See Model Local Rules G-1 and G-3.
One-Ball Rule:
The One-ball Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-4.
The Local Rule prohibiting the use of motorized transportation as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Prohibition on Certain Types of Shoes:
The Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-7.
Clubs: Grooves:
The Local Rule as prescribed by Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect, except that the Exception in the Model Local Rule does not apply (see Model Local Rule G-2).