2021 StateLine Amateur Tour Tee Sheet

SLAT @ Creekmoor - Thu, September 2

The Golf Club at Creekmoor
Time Players
The Golf Club at Creekmoor
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alan Thornton
8:11 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Michael Jorgensen / Mitch Hoffman / Steve Groom
Alex Downing
10:12 AM SLAT - Open Ben Hotaling / Brent Mertz / Guglielmo Mandina
Andrew Forsythe
10:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Bryan Meyer / Derek Garver / Thomas Aguilar
Ben Hotaling
10:12 AM SLAT - Open Alex Downing / Brent Mertz / Guglielmo Mandina
Blake Walker
12:35 PM SLAT - Open Brian Stimetz / Chris O'Dowd / Garret Allen
Bob McKinney
9:28 AM SLAT - Legends Don Kuehn / Frank Roth / Steven Frisbie
Brent Mertz
10:12 AM SLAT - Open Alex Downing / Ben Hotaling / Guglielmo Mandina
Brian Moeller
11:40 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Jonathan Way / Matt Stuppy
Brian Steele
10:23 AM SLAT - Open David Gilmore / Matt Kelley
Brian Stimetz
12:35 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Blake Walker / Chris O'Dowd / Garret Allen
Bryan Meyer
10:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Andrew Forsythe / Derek Garver / Thomas Aguilar
Chris Magerkurth
10:34 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Kai Frederick / Marcus Moore / Randall Sutcliffe
Chris Meyer
12:02 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Gary Gatten / Steve Yeager / Zachary O'Keefe
Chris O'Dowd
12:35 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Blake Walker / Brian Stimetz / Garret Allen
Chris Vickers
11:29 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Godfrey Maiyo / Matt Foster / Tyler Ring
Chuck Smiley
8:44 AM SLAT - Legends Dennis McCormack / Larry Lundine / Rick Flaspohler
Cooper Tracy
11:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Craig Peterson / Jason Thompson / Shrief Kabis
Craig Peterson
11:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Cooper Tracy / Jason Thompson / Shrief Kabis
Dana Harris
8:55 AM SLAT - Legends Kevin Handlan / Pete Robbins / Ronald Ricciardi
Danny Blades
8:00 AM SLAT - Senior/Players David Hamilton / Ed Brown / John Scarsella
Dave Cunningham
8:22 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Hoyt Marquis / Mark Addington / Thomas Leonard
Dave Harris
9:06 AM SLAT - Legends David Hornaday / Greg Aikmus / Kurt Lorenzen
Dave Wright
10:56 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Kenn Rohrs / Michael Bischoff / Thomas Mcbride
David Gilmore
10:23 AM SLAT - Open Brian Steele / Matt Kelley
David Hamilton
8:00 AM SLAT - Legends Danny Blades / Ed Brown / John Scarsella
David Hornaday
9:06 AM SLAT - Legends Dave Harris / Greg Aikmus / Kurt Lorenzen
Dennis McCormack
8:44 AM SLAT - Legends Chuck Smiley / Larry Lundine / Rick Flaspohler
Derek Garver
10:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Andrew Forsythe / Bryan Meyer / Thomas Aguilar
Don Kuehn
9:28 AM SLAT - Legends Bob McKinney / Frank Roth / Steven Frisbie
Ed Brown
8:00 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Danny Blades / David Hamilton / John Scarsella
Eric Johnson
11:07 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Michael Buckhouse / Nick Berardi / Trenton Mein
Fran Ferns
9:50 AM SLAT - Legends Lucas May / Ron Brewer / Trey Stone
Frank Roth
9:28 AM SLAT - Legends Bob McKinney / Don Kuehn / Steven Frisbie
Garret Allen
12:35 PM SLAT - Open Blake Walker / Brian Stimetz / Chris O'Dowd
Garrett Chumley
12:13 PM SLAT - Senior/Players John Samoei / Kent Bourzikas / Mike Naegele
Gary Gatten
12:02 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Meyer / Steve Yeager / Zachary O'Keefe
Gary Nicolet
9:17 AM SLAT - Legends John Copowycz / Keith Forrest / Thomas Kass
Godfrey Maiyo
11:29 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Vickers / Matt Foster / Tyler Ring
Greg Aikmus
9:06 AM SLAT - Legends Dave Harris / David Hornaday / Kurt Lorenzen
Guglielmo Mandina
10:12 AM SLAT - Open Alex Downing / Ben Hotaling / Brent Mertz
Hoyt Marquis
8:22 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Cunningham / Mark Addington / Thomas Leonard
Jason Hill
12:24 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Nathan Deadmond / Steve Bloss / Vince Gerstner
Jason Thompson
11:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Cooper Tracy / Craig Peterson / Shrief Kabis
Jim Lodes
9:39 AM SLAT - Legends Lew Merriman / Russ Collura / Wright Beck
John Copowycz
9:17 AM SLAT - Legends Gary Nicolet / Keith Forrest / Thomas Kass
John Samoei
12:13 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Garrett Chumley / Kent Bourzikas / Mike Naegele
John Scarsella
8:00 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Danny Blades / David Hamilton / Ed Brown
Jonathan Way
11:40 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Brian Moeller / Matt Stuppy
Kai Frederick
10:34 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Magerkurth / Marcus Moore / Randall Sutcliffe
Keith Forrest
9:17 AM SLAT - Legends Gary Nicolet / John Copowycz / Thomas Kass
Kenn Rohrs
10:56 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Wright / Michael Bischoff / Thomas Mcbride
Kent Bourzikas
12:13 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Garrett Chumley / John Samoei / Mike Naegele
Kevin Handlan
8:55 AM SLAT - Legends Dana Harris / Pete Robbins / Ronald Ricciardi
Kurt Lorenzen
9:06 AM SLAT - Legends Dave Harris / David Hornaday / Greg Aikmus
Larry Lundine
8:44 AM SLAT - Legends Chuck Smiley / Dennis McCormack / Rick Flaspohler
Lew Merriman
9:39 AM SLAT - Legends Jim Lodes / Russ Collura / Wright Beck
Lucas May
9:50 AM SLAT - Open Fran Ferns / Ron Brewer / Trey Stone
Marcus Moore
10:34 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Magerkurth / Kai Frederick / Randall Sutcliffe
Mark Addington
8:22 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Cunningham / Hoyt Marquis / Thomas Leonard
Matt Barberich
10:01 AM SLAT - Open Michael Garden / Tyler Docking
Matt Foster
11:29 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Vickers / Godfrey Maiyo / Tyler Ring
Matt Kelley
10:23 AM SLAT - Open Brian Steele / David Gilmore
Matt Stuppy
11:40 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Brian Moeller / Jonathan Way
Michael Garden
10:01 AM SLAT - Open Matt Barberich / Tyler Docking
Michael Bischoff
10:56 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Wright / Kenn Rohrs / Thomas Mcbride
Michael Buckhouse
11:07 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Eric Johnson / Nick Berardi / Trenton Mein
Michael Jorgensen
8:11 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Alan Thornton / Mitch Hoffman / Steve Groom
Mike Naegele
12:13 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Garrett Chumley / John Samoei / Kent Bourzikas
Mitch Hoffman
8:11 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Alan Thornton / Michael Jorgensen / Steve Groom
Nathan Deadmond
12:24 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Jason Hill / Steve Bloss / Vince Gerstner
Nick Berardi
11:07 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Eric Johnson / Michael Buckhouse / Trenton Mein
Pete Robbins
8:55 AM SLAT - Legends Dana Harris / Kevin Handlan / Ronald Ricciardi
Randall Sutcliffe
10:34 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Magerkurth / Kai Frederick / Marcus Moore
Rick Flaspohler
8:44 AM SLAT - Legends Chuck Smiley / Dennis McCormack / Larry Lundine
Ron Brewer
9:50 AM SLAT - Legends Fran Ferns / Lucas May / Trey Stone
Ronald Ricciardi
8:55 AM SLAT - Legends Dana Harris / Kevin Handlan / Pete Robbins
Russ Collura
9:39 AM SLAT - Legends Jim Lodes / Lew Merriman / Wright Beck
Shrief Kabis
11:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Cooper Tracy / Craig Peterson / Jason Thompson
Sonny Welty
8:33 AM SLAT - Legends Todd Milberger / Willie Scott
Steve Bloss
12:24 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Jason Hill / Nathan Deadmond / Vince Gerstner
Steve Groom
8:11 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Alan Thornton / Michael Jorgensen / Mitch Hoffman
Steve Yeager
12:02 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Meyer / Gary Gatten / Zachary O'Keefe
Steven Frisbie
9:28 AM SLAT - Legends Bob McKinney / Don Kuehn / Frank Roth
Thomas Aguilar
10:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Andrew Forsythe / Bryan Meyer / Derek Garver
Thomas Kass
9:17 AM SLAT - Legends Gary Nicolet / John Copowycz / Keith Forrest
Thomas Leonard
8:22 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Cunningham / Hoyt Marquis / Mark Addington
Thomas Mcbride
10:56 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Dave Wright / Kenn Rohrs / Michael Bischoff
Todd Milberger
8:33 AM SLAT - Legends Sonny Welty / Willie Scott
Trenton Mein
11:07 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Eric Johnson / Michael Buckhouse / Nick Berardi
Trey Stone
9:50 AM SLAT - Open Fran Ferns / Lucas May / Ron Brewer
Tyler Docking
10:01 AM SLAT - Open Matt Barberich / Michael Garden
Tyler Ring
11:29 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Vickers / Godfrey Maiyo / Matt Foster
Vince Gerstner
12:24 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Jason Hill / Nathan Deadmond / Steve Bloss
Willie Scott
8:33 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Sonny Welty / Todd Milberger
Wright Beck
9:39 AM SLAT - Legends Jim Lodes / Lew Merriman / Russ Collura
Zachary O'Keefe
12:02 PM SLAT - Senior/Players Chris Meyer / Gary Gatten / Steve Yeager