Additional Local Rules and Conditions for the
2020 US Women’s Amateur
Four-Ball Championship Qualifier
Equipment and Conforming Standards
USGA Conditions of Competition Informational PDF
Additional Conditions of Competition:
TRANSPORTATION: Model Local Rule G-6
“During a round, a player or caddie must not ride on any form of motorized transportation except as authorized or later approved by the Committee.
A player who will play, or has played, under penalty of stroke and distance is always authorised to ride on motorized transportation.
Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which there is a breach of this Local Rule. If the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it applies to the next hole.”
**The Arizona site has been granted special exemptions for caddies to ride in a cart. Please see the player memo for additional information regarding carts for caddies.
In Sectional Qualifying as well as in the Championship proper, the player’s clubs must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Equipment Rules effective from 1 January 2010. The Local Rule is available for review on the entry application and applies to all fairway woods, hybrids, irons and wedges.
The USGA and The R&A have created a reference resource called the Informational Club Database to assist golfers in determining whether their irons, wedges, hybrids and fairway woods comply with the Equipment Rules effective from 1 January 2010 and are permissible for play under the groove and punch mark Local Rule, which is in effect for all USGA Amateur Championships. For information about and to access the database, please use the following link: Additionally, for other information regarding the groove and punch mark Local Rule, please use the following link: Finally, for information regarding the conformance status of clubs not listed or for any other questions regarding the Local Rule, please contact the USGA Equipment Standards at (908) 234- 2300.
Player Club Testing is available for all USGA Amateur Championships. Please use the following link: more information.
The USGA strongly suggests that all players verify the conformance of their clubs well in advance of their scheduled qualifying competition. It is the player’s responsibility, not the USGA’s responsibility to ensure that his or her clubs conform. Waiting until the day of the competition is the fault of the player. The Committee is under no obligation to test the club the competitor may play. However, if it is later determined that the club is non-conforming, including after the competition has closed, the player will be disqualified if the player made a stroke with it.
Penalty For Making a Stroke with Club in Breach of this Local Rule: Disqualification.
There is no penalty under this Local Rule for carrying but not making a stroke with a club which does not conform to these groove and punch mark specifications.”
Only brands of golf balls on the most current List of Conforming Golf Balls and driver heads on the most current List of Conforming Driver Heads may be used. Updated lists may be found on the USGA website at or by contacting the USGA Equipment Standards Department at (908) 234-2300. See Model Local Rules G-1 and G-3.
The one ball Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-4.
“During an entire round, each ball at which the player makes a stroke must be the same brand and model as found in a single entry on the current List of Conforming Balls.
If a different brand and/or model is dropped, replaced or placed but has not yet been played, the player may correct the mistake by stopping use of that ball, without penalty, under Rule 14.5. The player must drop, replace or place a ball of the same brand and model as used at the start of the round.
When the player discovers he or she has played a ball in breach of this Local Rule, he or she must stop using that ball before playing from the next teeing area and complete the round with a ball of the same brand and model as used at the start of the round; otherwise the player is disqualified.
If the discovery is made during the play of a hole, the player may complete play of this hole with the ball played in breach or place a ball of the correct brand and model on the spot where the ball played in breach of this Local Rule was lifted from.
Penalty for Making a Stroke at a Ball in Breach of Local Rule:
The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which he or she is in breach of this Local Rule.”