A group is “out of position” at any time it is over TimePar and has an open hole in front of their group.
A Rules Official may give a warning to either a player or an entire group.
- A warning to a group may be given if there is no obvious effort being made to regain position with the group in front.
- Player warnings may be given as follows:
- At any time if a player takes more than two minutes for a stroke, even if the group is not out of position, as that player is delaying the play of his group;
- When a group is out of position, a player taking more than one minute for a stroke, which includes time taken walking/driving forward of the ball;
- A player is delaying the play of his group for any reason unrelated to playing the game.
- Individual Players
- After being warned, a second stroke in excess of two minutes will result in a one stroke penalty being assessed immediately;
- While a group which has been warned is out of position, a player timed twice in excess of one minute will result in a one stroke penalty;
- After a warning, further actions delaying the group, separate from the time to make a stroke, may result in an immediate penalty for unreasonable delay, such as walking ahead to the green and taking in excess of one minute to play a stroke when it’s the player’s turn to play.
- Group
- If a group fails to make an effort to regain position, as defined by playing under TimePar while over time and out of position, all players are liable for a one-stroke penalty unless the delay can be clearly attributed to one or more players.
- Any group finishing play out of position and more than twenty minutes behind the group in front will all receive a one stroke penalty unless the delay can be directly attributable to the actions of one or more players, or to another reason unrelated to playing the game beyond the players’ control.
- Search for a lost ball for more than three minutes will make all players liable for a two-stroke penalty.
- Multiple Violations
- Additional pace violations during the same round are all one-stroke.
- Additional “unreasonable delay” penalties are two-strokes for the second, and disqualification for the third.
Any appeal of a penalty must be based on circumstances unknown to the Committee. Lost ball searches and poor play are not sufficient reasons for an appeal.