2020 U.S. Amateur Four-Ball Qualifying - Hattiesburg Country Club - Qualifying Information



Format/Field Size: Qualifying is set for 18-Holes of Four-Ball Stroke Play. The total field size is 110 players. (55 Teams)


Qualifying Spots: 2 Qualifying Spot, 2 Alternates


Practice Round: Players are instructed to make practice round times through Hattiesburg Country Club Golf Shop by calling 601-264-5076. Practice rounds are free of charge to players who are walking or $30 for players wishing to use a cart during their practice round.


Starting Times: Starting times are now viewable online by clicking the link below.


U.S. Amateur Four-Ball Qualifying Starting Times - Hattiesburg Country Club - Sept. 22, 2020


Range Balls: Range balls will be provided on the morning of the Qualifying event. 


Caddie Carts: The use of motorized carts is strictly prohibited for all players during this qualifying event. Caddies will be able to utilize golf carts if they choose. Caddie Carts will be $30 payable directly to Hattiesburg Country Club on the morning of the Qualifying Event.


Spectator Carts: There will be no spectator carts available. Spectators who can provide a valid Handicap registration will need to get approval from the MGA Executive Director and it will be based on club availability.


On Course: Rakes will be placed on the golf course. The MGA encourages all players needing to remove the flagstick or use a bunker rake to use a towel, gloves, or hand sanitizer before and after touching them.


EMD’s: Electronic measuring devices that measure distance only are permitted for the championship.


Groove Condition: The USGA groove condition of competition effective January 1, 2010 is in effect for this championship.


One Ball Rule: The Rules as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-4. "During an entire round, each ball at which the player makes a stroke must be the same brand and model as found in a single entry in the current List of Conforming Balls."


Scoring: Digital Scoring will be used for this Championship. Teams will be asked to use the Golf Genius App for live scoring of their group. One team per group will be asked to handle scoring for the duration of the round. One (1) group scorecard will also be handed out a team in the group to keep. Following play one member of each team will enter the Scoring Area. The MGA Staff member will verbally confirm with all players that the scores that have been entered into Golf Genius are correct. Once teams have verbally confirmed their scores they may leave the scoring area.


Post Round: Following completion of your round we ask that all players assist with social distancing and social gathering. There will be no scoreboard for the Championship so all scoring will be viewable online through our Golf Genius tournament portal. Teams out of qualifying will be asked to leave the golf course once their round is complete to assist with all social distancing and social gathering restrictions.


Player F&B: Players will be able to make Food & Beverage purchases using cash or credit card at Hattiesburg Country Club. Please be aware that mask must be worn at all times when entering the clubhouse.


On Course Water: There will be coolers of water on Hole #1. The starter will be the only person permitted to reach in these coolers and hand you water per your request. Players will not be allowed to retrieve their own water due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. MGA staff will have coolers of water on their carts and will be happy to provide players with water at their request. The MGA encourages all players to bring their own drinks to ensure that they stay hydrated throughout the Championship. Food & Beverages will also be available for purchase in the restaurant using cash or credit.


Starter’s Tents: The MGA staff will have a Notice to Players and Hole Location Sheets to hand out at the starter’s tent. At that time we will designate one team to keep the group’s scores via the Golf Genius App and will provide a different team the group scorecard. There will be no tees, pencils, sharpies, divot tools, sunscreen, bug spray, etc located in the starter’s box for this event. We ask that players make sure they bring their own items.


Awards Presentation: A simplified version of the awards presentation will take place with pictures of the qualifying teams only. Players should not congregate at this time and we ask that if you are not receiving an award that you not attend the awards ceremony. 


Evacuation Plan: In case of inclement weather the MGA will sound one long blast of the air horn which signifies that play should be stopped immediately. We ask that all players make their way to their cars with their golf carts. Please park your golf cart behind your car and wait in your vehicle for updated from the MGA. We ask that players do not congregate in the clubhouse to help maintain social gathering and social distancing restrictions. All updates regarding weather and resumption or discontinuance of play will be sent via email and text through our tournament software.


Player Responsibilities: We ask that players refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or fist bumping during the championship. We encourage all players to bring their own hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, gloves, and masks to utilize while at the golf course. If you are sick, show signs of symptoms within the last 14 days, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, we request that you stay home and notify the MGA. A full refund of your entry fee will be given.



  1. I understand that I will be required to provide the below certifications and may be asked to participate in a health screening verbal questionnaire on site at each competition, before teeing off, and if I refrain from participating in this questionnaire, or if I answer “YES” to any questions, I may not be allowed to participate in the competition.  The questions asked of me during the on-site health screening and verbal questionnaire will include, but may not be limited to the following:
    • Within the last fourteen (14) days, have you…
      • Been diagnosed with COVID-19 or been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
      • Been personally requested to quarantine by a doctor or other medical authority?
      • Traveled outside the United States?
      • Run a fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit?
      • Experienced shortness of breath?
      • Experienced abnormal coughing symptoms?
      • Experienced loss of taste or smell, chills, shaking, sore throat or muscle aches?
      • Experienced any other unusual flu-like symptoms?