
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Team Id
Arnold Lorisa Montgomery County
Back Madison Montgomery County
Bansal Arushi Sayre
Barbour Emma Tates Creek
Barrett Amalee Henry Clay
Bassetti Caroline Sayre
Bechtel Emily Mercer County
Brennan Taylor Bryan Station
Brewer Smith Henry Clay
Brooks Bella Lexington Catholic
Brown Amelia Montgomery County
Brown Kylie Montgomery County
Brown Macey Apollo
Brown Tori Ashland
Buchanan Abi Madison Central
Campbell Kariann Lexington Catholic
Cassidy E.P. Henry Clay
Cecil Macy Lexington Catholic
Clark Riley Rockcastle County
Coe Emily Russell County
Coulter Payton Paul Laurence Dunbar
Courtney Addison Frederick Douglas
Crawford Bailey LCA
Cullop Carley Ashland
Doorestein Emile Sayre
Eberle Elizabeth Madison Central
Folmer-Burnett Kendall Frederick Douglas
Ford Natalie Taylor County
George Layla Paul Laurence Dunbar
Goodin LeeAnn Taylor County
Gossage Riley Lafayette
Hagen Channing Henry Clay
Hanni Kate Ashland
Harrel Lydia Madison Central
Hoard Bailey Frederick Douglas
Hooker Adyson Clay County
Hooker Hallie Clay County
Hostetter Haley Lexington Catholic
Junutolo Avery Clay County
Keplinger Anna Lafayette
Kilgore Frances Bryan Station
King Sydney Frederick Douglas
Lee Julie LCA
Lingle Kristen Tates Creek
Luhan Miller Henry Clay
Lunsford Kylah Henry Clay
Marcum Elivia Clay County
McLaughlin Ashley Lexington Catholic
Messer Taylor Clay County
Montgomery Rebecca Great Crossing
Nolty Lauren East Carter
Paley Kya Lafayette
Peng Emily Bryan Station
Powell Casey Paul Laurence Dunbar
Prater Ashlynn Lafayette
Ramsey Claira Beth Madison Central
Read Reagan Taylor County
Reed Minnie Sayre
Reynolds Claire Frederick Douglas
Rice Haley Madison Central
Rudzik Tess LCA
Scott Georgia Tates Creek
Setzer Laurel LCA
Sharrard Corinne Bryan Station
Sharrard Ruby Bryan Station
Shown Morgan Bryan Station
Smith Chole Taylor County
Sorrell Laney Ashland
Stilz Jane Sayre
Tackett Sarah Lafayette
Taylor Katherine Madison Central
Thompson Hannah LCA
Trautman Breanna Russell County
Trautman McKenzie Russell County
Vanderhoof Ava Montgomery County
Wells Olivia Paul Laurence Dunbar
White Grace Paul Laurence Dunbar
Wright Madalyn Russell County