Player Roster
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Team Id | First Name | Last Name | Roommate #2's First and Last Name | Affiliation | City | State |
6 | Blair | Criminger | Bryan Criminger | Carmel Country Club | Charlotte | NC |
6 | Bryan | Criminger | - | Carmel Country Club | Charlotte | NC |
28 | Delores | Hammer | - | Catawba Country Club | Newton | NC |
28 | Kim | Clarke | Delores Hammer | Catawba Country Club | Newton | NC |
51 | Robert | Allen | - | Carolina Country Club | Raleigh | NC |
51 | Robert | Parrott | Vin Parrott | Carolina Country Club | Raleigh | NC |
58 | Doug | Potter | Donnette Potter | Shadowmoss Pltn. Golf & C.C. | Mount Pleasant | SC |
58 | Donnette | Potter | - | Shadowmoss Pltn. Golf & C.C. | - | - |
- | Vin | Parrott | - | - | - | - |
- | Celeste | Allen | - | - | - | - |
- | Caroline | Criminger | - | - | - | - |
- | John | Criminger | - | - | - | - |