Houston 1 | Sugar Creek CC Tee Sheet

Mon, June 29

Sugar Creek Country Club (Trent - Jones) - Archived on 12-10-2024 / 24 TSAQ
Time Hole Players Hole Players
7:30 AM 1
Hennington, Barrett Seabrook
Robertson, Cole College Station
Kiser, Cade Katy
Carrier, Benjamin Spring
Kuzma, Brian Houston
Parrott, John Houston
Lurie, Craig Houston
Leiss, David Houston
7:42 AM 1
Lee, James Houston
Heller, Geoff Houston
Zernial, Matt Houston
Wehman, Jack Austin
Mathis, Joseph R Sugar Land
Warren, Zane Richmond
Dye, Jeff Sugar Land
Crain, Thomas Houston
7:54 AM 1
Wright, Lucas The Woodlands
Knox, Michael La Porte
Diamond, John Houston
Liberto, Kevin Cypress
Cook, Carl Dickinson
Hollis, Curtis Humble
Zorich, Bret Houston
Nagy, Steve Sugar Land
8:06 AM 1
Burton, Josh Missouri City
Remig, Parker Austin
Dowdall, John Fulshear
Tietz, David Houston
Kerns, John Houston
Grisebaum, Andrew Houston
Jacobs, Andre League City
Griffin, Justin Houston
8:18 AM 1
McMichael, Larry Richmond
Diamond, Jack Houston
Soto, Jose Katy
Albert, Todd Katy
Pipkin, Gregory Houston
Mannen, Matthew Houston
Olson, Jeff League City
Chabaud, Russell The Woodlands
8:30 AM 1
Acton, Sebastian Houston
Valadez, Levi San Antonio
Legarreta Jr., Luis Spring
Borow, Jacob Lake Jackson
Zatorski, Jeffrey1 Houston
Morant, Ryan Spring
Ewing, Thomas Houston
Van Zandt, Matt Houston
8:42 AM 1
Moss, Sebastian Pearland
Riedel, Matthew Houston
Vidales, John Deer Park
Eckersley, Chris Houston
Chianis, John Houston
Zatorski, Jeffrey Houston
Rodriguez, Christian Houston
Nebout, Niko League City
8:54 AM 1
Gibbs, Richard Tomball
Sherwood, Cole Austin
Lake, Benjamin Victoria
Douglass, Jan Georgetown
Haley, Nathan Richmond
Flores, Tino Houston
Martin, Weldon Houston
Strydom, Damin Kingwood
9:06 AM 1
Hernandez, Christian League City
Pickrell, Tomek Cypress
Terrell, Scott Houston
Nash, Billy Richmond
Dastmalchian, Donovan Houston
Morley, Dwayne Houston
Costello, Nick Austin
Moorhead, Gary Houston
9:18 AM 1
Brisbois, Jeff Pearland
Gosslee, Taylor Houston
Beckner, Michael Cypress
Emery, David Sugar Land
Murdock, Drew Houston
Seligmann, Matthew Houston
Lile, Scott The Woodlands
Doyle, Alan Houston
9:30 AM 1
Kaplan, Justin Houston
Jacobs, Francois League City
Bassett, Roland Houston
Shock, William Pasadena
Sugar Creek Country Club (Trent - Jones) - Archived on 12-10-2024
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Acton, Sebastian Houston
8:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Borow, Jacob / Legarreta Jr., Luis / Valadez, Levi
Albert, Todd Katy
8:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Diamond, Jack / McMichael, Larry / Soto, Jose
Bassett, Roland Houston
9:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Jacobs, Francois / Kaplan, Justin / Shock, William
Beckner, Michael Cypress
9:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Brisbois, Jeff / Emery, David / Gosslee, Taylor
Borow, Jacob Lake Jackson
8:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Acton, Sebastian / Legarreta Jr., Luis / Valadez, Levi
Brisbois, Jeff Pearland
9:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Beckner, Michael / Emery, David / Gosslee, Taylor
Burton, Josh Missouri City
8:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Dowdall, John / Remig, Parker / Tietz, David
Carrier, Benjamin Spring
7:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Hennington, Barrett / Kiser, Cade / Robertson, Cole
Chabaud, Russell The Woodlands
8:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Mannen, Matthew / Olson, Jeff / Pipkin, Gregory
Chianis, John Houston
8:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Nebout, Niko / Rodriguez, Christian / Zatorski, Jeffrey
Cook, Carl Dickinson
7:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Hollis, Curtis / Nagy, Steve / Zorich, Bret
Costello, Nick Austin
9:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Dastmalchian, Donovan / Moorhead, Gary / Morley, Dwayne
Crain, Thomas Houston
7:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Dye, Jeff / Mathis, Joseph R / Warren, Zane
Dastmalchian, Donovan Houston
9:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Costello, Nick / Moorhead, Gary / Morley, Dwayne
Diamond, Jack Houston
8:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Albert, Todd / McMichael, Larry / Soto, Jose
Diamond, John Houston
7:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Knox, Michael / Liberto, Kevin / Wright, Lucas
Douglass, Jan Georgetown
8:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Gibbs, Richard / Lake, Benjamin / Sherwood, Cole
Dowdall, John Fulshear
8:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Burton, Josh / Remig, Parker / Tietz, David
Doyle, Alan Houston
9:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Lile, Scott / Murdock, Drew / Seligmann, Matthew
Dye, Jeff Sugar Land
7:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Crain, Thomas / Mathis, Joseph R / Warren, Zane
Eckersley, Chris Houston
8:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Moss, Sebastian / Riedel, Matthew / Vidales, John
Emery, David Sugar Land
9:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Beckner, Michael / Brisbois, Jeff / Gosslee, Taylor
Ewing, Thomas Houston
8:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Morant, Ryan / Van Zandt, Matt / Zatorski, Jeffrey1
Flores, Tino Houston
8:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Haley, Nathan / Martin, Weldon / Strydom, Damin
Gibbs, Richard Tomball
8:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Douglass, Jan / Lake, Benjamin / Sherwood, Cole
Gosslee, Taylor Houston
9:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Beckner, Michael / Brisbois, Jeff / Emery, David
Griffin, Justin Houston
8:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Grisebaum, Andrew / Jacobs, Andre / Kerns, John
Grisebaum, Andrew Houston
8:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Griffin, Justin / Jacobs, Andre / Kerns, John
Haley, Nathan Richmond
8:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Flores, Tino / Martin, Weldon / Strydom, Damin
Heller, Geoff Houston
7:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Lee, James / Wehman, Jack / Zernial, Matt
Hennington, Barrett Seabrook
7:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Carrier, Benjamin / Kiser, Cade / Robertson, Cole
Hernandez, Christian League City
9:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Nash, Billy / Pickrell, Tomek / Terrell, Scott
Hollis, Curtis Humble
7:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Cook, Carl / Nagy, Steve / Zorich, Bret
Jacobs, Andre League City
8:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Griffin, Justin / Grisebaum, Andrew / Kerns, John
Jacobs, Francois League City
9:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Bassett, Roland / Kaplan, Justin / Shock, William
Kaplan, Justin Houston
9:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Bassett, Roland / Jacobs, Francois / Shock, William
Kerns, John Houston
8:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Griffin, Justin / Grisebaum, Andrew / Jacobs, Andre
Kiser, Cade Katy
7:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Carrier, Benjamin / Hennington, Barrett / Robertson, Cole
Knox, Michael La Porte
7:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Diamond, John / Liberto, Kevin / Wright, Lucas
Kuzma, Brian Houston
7:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Leiss, David / Lurie, Craig / Parrott, John
Lake, Benjamin Victoria
8:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Douglass, Jan / Gibbs, Richard / Sherwood, Cole
Lee, James Houston
7:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Heller, Geoff / Wehman, Jack / Zernial, Matt
Legarreta Jr., Luis Spring
8:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Acton, Sebastian / Borow, Jacob / Valadez, Levi
Leiss, David Houston
7:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Kuzma, Brian / Lurie, Craig / Parrott, John
Liberto, Kevin Cypress
7:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Diamond, John / Knox, Michael / Wright, Lucas
Lile, Scott The Woodlands
9:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Doyle, Alan / Murdock, Drew / Seligmann, Matthew
Lurie, Craig Houston
7:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Kuzma, Brian / Leiss, David / Parrott, John
Mannen, Matthew Houston
8:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chabaud, Russell / Olson, Jeff / Pipkin, Gregory
Martin, Weldon Houston
8:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Flores, Tino / Haley, Nathan / Strydom, Damin
Mathis, Joseph R Sugar Land
7:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Crain, Thomas / Dye, Jeff / Warren, Zane
McMichael, Larry Richmond
8:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Albert, Todd / Diamond, Jack / Soto, Jose
Moorhead, Gary Houston
9:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Costello, Nick / Dastmalchian, Donovan / Morley, Dwayne
Morant, Ryan Spring
8:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Ewing, Thomas / Van Zandt, Matt / Zatorski, Jeffrey1
Morley, Dwayne Houston
9:06 AM 10 24 TSAQ Costello, Nick / Dastmalchian, Donovan / Moorhead, Gary
Moss, Sebastian Pearland
8:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Eckersley, Chris / Riedel, Matthew / Vidales, John
Murdock, Drew Houston
9:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Doyle, Alan / Lile, Scott / Seligmann, Matthew
Nagy, Steve Sugar Land
7:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Cook, Carl / Hollis, Curtis / Zorich, Bret
Nash, Billy Richmond
9:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Hernandez, Christian / Pickrell, Tomek / Terrell, Scott
Nebout, Niko League City
8:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chianis, John / Rodriguez, Christian / Zatorski, Jeffrey
Olson, Jeff League City
8:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chabaud, Russell / Mannen, Matthew / Pipkin, Gregory
Parrott, John Houston
7:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Kuzma, Brian / Leiss, David / Lurie, Craig
Pickrell, Tomek Cypress
9:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Hernandez, Christian / Nash, Billy / Terrell, Scott
Pipkin, Gregory Houston
8:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chabaud, Russell / Mannen, Matthew / Olson, Jeff
Remig, Parker Austin
8:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Burton, Josh / Dowdall, John / Tietz, David
Riedel, Matthew Houston
8:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Eckersley, Chris / Moss, Sebastian / Vidales, John
Robertson, Cole College Station
7:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Carrier, Benjamin / Hennington, Barrett / Kiser, Cade
Rodriguez, Christian Houston
8:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chianis, John / Nebout, Niko / Zatorski, Jeffrey
Seligmann, Matthew Houston
9:18 AM 10 24 TSAQ Doyle, Alan / Lile, Scott / Murdock, Drew
Sherwood, Cole Austin
8:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Douglass, Jan / Gibbs, Richard / Lake, Benjamin
Shock, William Pasadena
9:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Bassett, Roland / Jacobs, Francois / Kaplan, Justin
Soto, Jose Katy
8:18 AM 1 24 TSAQ Albert, Todd / Diamond, Jack / McMichael, Larry
Strydom, Damin Kingwood
8:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Flores, Tino / Haley, Nathan / Martin, Weldon
Terrell, Scott Houston
9:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Hernandez, Christian / Nash, Billy / Pickrell, Tomek
Tietz, David Houston
8:06 AM 1 24 TSAQ Burton, Josh / Dowdall, John / Remig, Parker
Valadez, Levi San Antonio
8:30 AM 1 24 TSAQ Acton, Sebastian / Borow, Jacob / Legarreta Jr., Luis
Van Zandt, Matt Houston
8:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Ewing, Thomas / Morant, Ryan / Zatorski, Jeffrey1
Vidales, John Deer Park
8:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Eckersley, Chris / Moss, Sebastian / Riedel, Matthew
Warren, Zane Richmond
7:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Crain, Thomas / Dye, Jeff / Mathis, Joseph R
Wehman, Jack Austin
7:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Heller, Geoff / Lee, James / Zernial, Matt
Wright, Lucas The Woodlands
7:54 AM 1 24 TSAQ Diamond, John / Knox, Michael / Liberto, Kevin
Zatorski, Jeffrey Houston
8:42 AM 10 24 TSAQ Chianis, John / Nebout, Niko / Rodriguez, Christian
Zatorski, Jeffrey1 Houston
8:30 AM 10 24 TSAQ Ewing, Thomas / Morant, Ryan / Van Zandt, Matt
Zernial, Matt Houston
7:42 AM 1 24 TSAQ Heller, Geoff / Lee, James / Wehman, Jack
Zorich, Bret Houston
7:54 AM 10 24 TSAQ Cook, Carl / Hollis, Curtis / Nagy, Steve