August 21 – 23, 2020


Play is governed by the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019, the Terms of the Competition, the Local Rules for this Championship setting a Pace of Play Policy (available at the starting tees), and where and where applicable the following Local Rules which apply to this golf course. Questions shall be settled by the Championship Committee, whose decision shall be final. 




  1. OUT OF BOUNDS / COURSE BOUNDARIES – Defined by the line between the course-side points at ground level of white stakes and/or property fence posts. When white lines are used to define Out of Bounds, the line itself is out of bounds. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies out of bounds. 



Ball Played from Outside Relief Area When Taking Back-On-The-Line Relief:  When taking back on the line relief, there is no additional penalty if a player plays a ball that was dropped in the relief area required by the relevant Rule but came to rest outside of the relief area, so long as the ball when played is within one club-length of where it first touched the ground when dropped. This exemption from penalty applies even if the ball is played from nearer the hole than the reference point (but not if played from nearer the hole that the spot of the original ball or the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area).  



Rule 4.1b(3) is modified in this way: If a player’s club is “broken or significantly damaged” during the round by the player or caddie, except in case of abuse, the player may replace the club with any club under Rule 4.1b(4). When replacing a club, the player must immediately take the broken or significantly damaged club out of play using the procedure in Rule 4.1c(1). For the purposes of this Local Rule: A club is “broken or significantly damaged” when: 

  • The shaft breaks into pieces, splinters or is bent (but not when the shaft is only dented),
  • The club face impact area is visibly deformed (but not when the club face is only scratched),
  • The clubhead is visibly and significantly deformed,
  • The clubhead is detached or loose from the shaft, or
  • The grip is loose. 

Exception: A club face or clubhead is not “broken or significantly damaged” solely because it is cracked. 

Note: Tightening clubs with adjustable mechanisms that come loose during the round is permitted, but adjusting the club to a different setting is not. 


  1. Ground Under Repair
  1. Any area encircled by a white line (except dropping zones or out of bounds).
  2. If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing in the general area, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. But interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief. This means that if a player has interference from any seam after dropping the ball, the player must drop a ball a second time. If interference still exists, the player must complete relief by placing a ball on the spot where the ball dropped the second time first struck the ground.  


  1. Immovable Obstructions
  1. Asphalt and artificially surfaced roads and paths. White lined areas of ground under repair tying into such roads or paths are 

treated as a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.

  1. Roads or paths surfaced with wood chips, gravel or mulch; The individual pieces of gravel/mulch on such pathways are loose 

impediments. When used other than on pathways, gravel/mulch is a loose impediment.

  1. Stairs and Railings attached and adjacent to stairs
  2. Areas of Prepared Rock Borders adjacent to stairs.
  3. Bridges and Railings attached to bridges.
  4. Artificial retaining walls, posts and ropes adjacent to retaining walls. (Free Relief not available when ball lies in a penalty area).
  5. Tree supports and cables when not closely attached to trees. Interference does not occur when the obstruction interferes with the

player’s line of play.


  1. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Greens:

For a ball in the general area, relief is allowed only when both the ball and the immovable obstruction lie in an area cut to fairway height or 

less. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is:

On the line of play and is:

  1. Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and 
  2. Within two club-lengths of the ball

Exception: There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable. 


  1. Integral Objects (Free relief is not allowed):

Birdhouses when attached to trees.


TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS (TIO) – Model Local Rule F-23 in Committee Procedures is in effect and includes any Temporary Immovable Obstruction installed for the competition. The player is permitted to take relief on either side of the obstruction for line of sight interference. If a player chooses to take relief from physical interference using the procedures in Rule 16.1m the option to take relief on either side is NOT allowed. 

  • Scoring Tent- Hole 18:  Treated as a Temporary Immovable Obstruction for this Championship


WOOD CHIPS AND MULCH – Are loose impediments.


SEAMS OF CUT TURF – If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf, or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing:

  1. Ball in General Area: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
  2. Ball on Putting Green: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.

Interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief. 


PAINTED DOTS – When located in a part of the General Area cut to fairway height or less, blue painted dots are Abnormal Ground Conditions. But interference does not exist if the painted dots interfere only with the player’s stance. 



  1. Yellow Penalty Area on Hole #11 is marked with yellow stakes and/or lines. 
  2. All other penalty areas on the Golf Course are Red Penalty Areas and marked with red stakes and/or lines. 
  3. Cart Path Edge Defines Penalty Areas:  When penalty area lines tie into the edge of cart paths defined by red stakes with blue tops, the edge (penalty area side) of the cart path defines the edge of the penalty area.



The red penalty area behind the putting green of Hole 14 is treated as extending to infinity. 



When a player’s ball is in a penalty area, included when it is known or virtually certain to be in a penalty area even though not found, the 

player may take relief using one of the options under Rule 17.1d. Or, as an additional option for the holes listed below, the player may 

drop a ball in the dropping zone for a penalty of one stroke, provided that the dropping zone is not nearer the hole than where the ball last 

crossed the edge of the penalty area:

Hole #1 – Red penalty area adjacent to cart path near the greenside bunker. (DZ located adjacent to cart path).

Hole #11 – Yellow penalty area in front of the putting green. (DZ located on “tee side” of penalty area.

Hole #13 – Red penalty area near the fairway bunkers. (DZ located near fairway bunkers).

Hole #14 – Red penalty area behind the putting green.  (DZ located behind green near base of stairs).



Where Red Penalty Area lines tie into the edge of cart paths/artificially surfaced roads defined by Red Stakes with Blue Tops, the edge 

(penalty area side) of the cart path/artificially surfaced road defines edge of adjacent Red Penalty Area.


SUSPENSION OF PLAY DUE TO A DANGEROUS SITUATION – When play is suspended for a dangerous situation, if the players in a group are between the play of two holes, then must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. 



NOTE 1A suspension for a dangerous situation will be signaled by one prolonged siren or horn blast. All other types of suspension will be signaled by three intermittent siren or horn blasts. Resumption of play will be signaled by two intermittent siren or horn blasts. 

NOTE 2All practice areas will be closed during suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open for use.


RETURNING SCORECARD – For the purpose of applying Rule 3.3b(2), a player’s scorecard is treated as returned when the player has first left the scoring area with both feet. The scoring area is defined with ropes, blue stakes, and/or blue dots/lines.


WHEN THE RESULT OF THE COMPETITION IS FINAL – When all scores have been posted on the Official Scoreboard and approved by the Committee, the result of the competition is deemed to have been officially announced.  




4 Hours 25 Minutes


Pace of Play Time Chart:  All groups of three (3) are expected to play at a pace not to exceed 4 hours 25 minutes, while all groups of two (2) are expected to play at a pace not to exceed 3 hours 58 minutes.  Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time.


Definition of Out of Position:  The first group to start from the 1st or 10th tee will be considered out of position if at any time during the round, the group’s cumulative time exceeds the time allowed for the number of holes played. Any following group will be considered out if position if It has exceeded the time allowed for the number of holes played, and:

  1. Reaches the tee on a Par 3 hole and the preceding group has cleared the next tee, or
  2. Fails to clear the tee of a Par 4 hole before the preceding group has cleared the putting green, or
  3. Reaches the tee of a Par 5 hole when the preceding group is on the putting green. 


Procedure When Group is Out of Position:  Referees will monitor pace of play and decide whether a group that is “out of position” should be timed, An assessment of whether there are any recent circumstances, such is a lengthy ruling, lost ball, unplayable ball, etc. will be considered. Regardless, any group out of position will be given a warning and will be expected to regain their position on the course within one or two holes. 


The Maximum Time Allocated Per Stroke is 40 Seconds. If a group is being timed, they will be informed by the Referee. 


The timing will start when a player has had sufficient time to reach the ball, it is his/her turn to play, and he/she is able to play without distraction . Time taken to determine distance and select a club will count as time taken for the next stroke.


On the putting green, timing will start when the player has had a reasonable amount of time to life, clean, and replace the ball, repair damage that interferes with the line of play and move loose impediments on the line of play. Time spent looking at the line of play from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke. 


Players may be subject to penalty if they receive bad times as follows:

  • Group Out of Position:                                Warning
  • First Bad Time for Player:                          Second Warning
  • Second Bad Time for Player:                    Player Subject to One Stroke Penalty
  • All Subsequent Bad Times for Player:    Player Subject to General Penalty (two strokes)

Checkpoints will be on completion of the 4th, 9th, 14th & 18th holes.

  • 1st missed checkpoint – Warning
  • 2nd missed checkpoint – Second Warning. Players may be timed by a Rules Rover. 
  • 3rd missed checkpoint – Players liable to a one stroke penalty
  • 4th missed checkpoint – Players liable to an additional one stroke penalty

A checkpoint hole is complete when the ball of the last player in the group to hole out has been removed from the hole.



Hole #



















Time Given



















Total Time 



















*Allowance of 5 minute turn time from 9 to 10.


CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE – Ted Antonopoulos, Zach Makilan, Brooks Bultemeier, Chelsa Helget