
Player Roster

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First Name Last Name Handle H.I.™
Aaron McDowell Aaron McDowell
Adam Gary Adam Gary
Al Chrouser Al Chrouser
Andrew Lardner Andrew Lardner
Andrew Stephens Andrew Stephens
Austin Cook Austin Cook
Barry Payne Barry Payne
Blake Watts Blake Watts
Brad Maynard Brad Maynard
Chad Douglas Chad Douglas
Chad Stocker Chad Stocker
Chris Osborne Chris Osborne
Chris Schuler Chris Schuler
Chris Wilson Chris Wilson
Colby Wollitz Colby Wollitz
Corey Stith Corey Stith
Cory Schwartz Cory Schwartz
Daniel Iceman III Daniel Iceman III
Daniel Soehren Daniel Soehren
Daniel Utley Daniel Utley
David Huffman David Huffman
Derrick Griffitts Derrick Griffitts
Dylan Rowe Dylan Rowe
Ethan Fisher Ethan Fisher
Grover Justice Grover Justice
Jacob Schakat Jacob Schakat
Jake Bennett Jake Bennett
John Bachman John Bachman
John Mullendore John Mullendore
Jonathan Barrow Jonathan Barrow
Josh Luster Josh Luster
Joshua Gregorich Joshua Gregorich
Joshua Griffin Joshua Griffin
Keith Ohr Keith Ohr
Keith Reese Keith Reese
Kelly Williams Kelly Williams
Kenton Hobbs Kenton Hobbs
Kyle Sheffer Kyle Sheffer
Kyle Cramer Kyle Cramer
Logan Watts Logan Watts
Michael Vanderveer Michael Vanderveer
Michael Vick Michael Vick
Mitchell Moore Mitchell Moore
Myles Mahan Myles Mahan
Nathan Downs Nathan Downs
Nathan Wolfe Nathan Wolfe
Nicholas Spath Nicholas Spath
Otis Smith Otis Smith
Ralph Landrum Ralph Landrum
Richard Schmitt Richard Schmitt
Robert Costello Robert Costello
Sara Stephens Sara Stephens
Steve Shafer Steve Shafer
T. Bruce Oldendick T. Bruce Oldendick
Tom Walters Tom Walters
Zach Graves Zach Graves