Monday Night League (2016), Team Standings
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Number | Rank | Teams | Total Points | Total Purse | Team Members |
1 | 1 | Mike Grennell / Scott McKeever | 62.50 | $ 0.00 | Mike Grennell | Scott McKeever | Mike Grennell | Scott McKeever |
2 | 2 | Billy Barbour / David Yingst | 62.00 | $ 0.00 | Billy Barbour | David Yingst | Billy Barbour | David Yingst |
3 | 3 | Ed Kupiec / John Morgan | 60.50 | $ 0.00 | Ed Kupiec | John Morgan |
4 | 4 | Dan Jamieson / Larry Trowbridge | 58.50 | $ 0.00 | Dan Jamieson | Larry Trowbridge |
5 | 5 | Hazel Peterson / Sherry Dupler | 57.50 | $ 0.00 | Hazel Peterson | Sherry Dupler |
6 | 6 | Joe Adrian / Mike Hunnicut | 57.00 | $ 100.00 | Joe Adrian | Mike Hunnicut |
7 | 7 | Brigg Slusser / Ron Burton | 55.00 | $ 0.00 | Brigg Slusser | Ron Burton |
8 | T8 | Bill Barbour / Gary Keene | 54.50 | $ 0.00 | Bill Barbour | Gary Keene |
9 | T8 | Bill Steele / Bob Smith | 54.50 | $ 0.00 | Bill Steele | Bob Smith |
10 | 10 | Dave Simmons / Matt Simmons | 54.00 | $ 0.00 | Dave Simmons | Matt Simmons |
11 | T11 | Don Davidson / Leslie Burton | 52.50 | $ 0.00 | Don Davidson | Leslie Burton |
12 | T11 | Jeff Kepmton / R Fred Torrence | 52.50 | $ 0.00 | Jeff Kepmton | R Fred Torrence |
13 | 13 | Dave Spaulding / Jon Spaulding | 52.00 | $ 0.00 | Dave Spaulding | Jon Spaulding |
14 | 14 | Rick Goetzman / Ryan Goetzman | 50.50 | $ 0.00 | Rick Goetzman | Ryan Goetzman |
15 | T15 | Adam Fairall / Mick Archer | 49.00 | $ 0.00 | Adam Fairall | Mick Archer |
16 | T15 | Allen Culbertson / Dave Yingst Sr. | 49.00 | $ 0.00 | Allen Culbertson | Dave Yingst Sr. |
17 | T15 | Travis Blubaugh / William Wolfe | 49.00 | $ 0.00 | Travis Blubaugh | William Wolfe |
18 | 18 | Bob Goetzman / Kerry Goetzman | 48.00 | $ 0.00 | Bob Goetzman | Kerry Goetzman |
19 | 19 | Addison White / Gabriel Bromberg | 35.50 | $ 0.00 | Addison White | Gabriel Bromberg |
20 | T20 | Jordan Mullet / Titus Mullet | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Jordan Mullet | Titus Mullet |
21 | T20 | Pat Mullet / Travis Mullet | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Pat Mullet | Travis Mullet |
22 | T20 | Kempton / Hunnicut / Ron B./ Toe | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Jeff Kepmton | Larry Trowbridge | Mike Hunnicut | Ron Burton |
23 | T20 | Morgan / Leslie / Fred / Hunnicut | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | John Morgan | Leslie Burton | Mike Hunnicut | R Fred Torrence |
24 | T20 | Ryan / Gary / Joe / Allen | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Allen Culbertson | Gary Keene | Joe Adrian | Ryan Goetzman |
25 | T20 | Brigg / Mike / Hazel / Will | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Brigg Slusser | Hazel Peterson | Mike Grennell | William Wolfe |
26 | T20 | Barbour Sr. / Jon / Rick G. / Mick | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Bill Barbour | Jon Spaulding | Mick Archer | Rick Goetzman |
27 | T20 | Dave S. / Don D. / Travis / Joel | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Dave Spaulding | Don Davidson | Joel Brown | Travis Blubaugh |
28 | T20 | Gabriel / Kupiec / Jamieson / Yingst | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Dan Jamieson | David Yingst | Ed Kupiec | Gabriel Bromberg |
29 | T20 | Kerry / Yingst Sr. / Sherry / Steele | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Bill Steele | Dave Yingst Sr. | Kerry Goetzman | Sherry Dupler |
30 | T20 | Doc / Addison / Bob / Adam | 0.00 | $ 0.00 | Adam Fairall | Addison White | Bob Smith | John Fowler | Totals: | 1,014.00 | $ 100.00 |