Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Amanda Miller | 6.6 |
Barbara Brown | 11.2 |
Barbee Bryant | 14.8 |
Candy Mitchell | 14.3 |
Chris Spivey | 2.2 |
Dawn Byrne | 9.6 |
Deb Stewart | 14.0 |
Debbie Atchley | 13.2 |
Dina Murray | 12.1 |
Jane McGriff | 18.9 |
Kathy Hartwiger | +3.3 |
Keri Rutledge | 15.1 |
Lea Green | 0.8 |
Lynn Glover | 17.8 |
Mary Ann Jones | 5.0 |
Melanie Smith | 5.5 |
Nancy Gavin | 5.6 |
Nancy Schlich | 5.5 |
Sharon Kellum | 17.4 |
Susan McDaniel | 20.4 |
Susan West | +1.0 |
Tami Green | 9.6 |
Theresa Mahlik | 1.4 |
Theresa Stratton | 7.4 |
Vicki Hogue | 17.7 |