2019 Williamson Cup Tee Sheet

Mon, August 12

Irondequoit Country Club 2020 / Williamson Cup
Time Hole Players
Irondequoit Country Club 2020
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Addison Wells Washington Metropolitan Golf Association
12:50 PM 10 Williamson Cup Caden Holmes + Connor Belcastro
Aiden Spampinato Rochester District Golf Association
1:10 PM 1 Williamson Cup Angus McHolme + Anthony Delisanti
Andreas Aivazoglou Golf Association of Philadelphia
12:40 PM 1 Williamson Cup Guillaume Dubois + Ryan Moylan
Andrew LaCongo Buffalo District Golf Association
1:30 PM 1 Williamson Cup Anthony Maglisco + Matthew Miller
Angus McHolme Western Pennsylvania Golf Association
1:10 PM 1 Williamson Cup Aiden Spampinato + Anthony Delisanti
Anthony Ciconte Delaware State Golf Association
1:20 PM 1 Williamson Cup Brady Pevarnik + Nick Bove
Anthony Delisanti Buffalo District Golf Association
1:10 PM 1 Williamson Cup Aiden Spampinato + Angus McHolme
Anthony Maglisco Syracuse District Golf Association
1:30 PM 1 Williamson Cup Andrew LaCongo + Matthew Miller
Bradley Parker Golf Ontario
1:00 PM 10 Williamson Cup Garrett Kessler + Jude Cummings
Brady Pevarnik Western Pennsylvania Golf Association
1:20 PM 1 Williamson Cup Anthony Ciconte + Nick Bove
Caden Holmes Golf Ontario
12:50 PM 10 Williamson Cup Addison Wells + Connor Belcastro
Carlo Pizzano Washington Metropolitan Golf Association
12:40 PM 10 Williamson Cup Justin Fedele + Will Bennink
Charlie Berridge Metropolitan Golf Association
12:50 PM 1 Williamson Cup Jake Griffin + Michael Weber
Connor Belcastro Metropolitan Golf Association
12:50 PM 10 Williamson Cup Addison Wells + Caden Holmes
Ethan Irvine Golf Ontario
1:00 PM 1 Williamson Cup John Mittiga + William Celiberti
Garrett Kessler Metropolitan Golf Association
1:00 PM 10 Williamson Cup Bradley Parker + Jude Cummings
Guillaume Dubois Golf Quebec
12:40 PM 1 Williamson Cup Andreas Aivazoglou + Ryan Moylan
Jake Griffin Washington Metropolitan Golf Association
12:50 PM 1 Williamson Cup Charlie Berridge + Michael Weber
John Mittiga Rochester District Golf Association
1:00 PM 1 Williamson Cup Ethan Irvine + William Celiberti
Johnny Grunninger Syracuse District Golf Association
1:20 PM 10 Williamson Cup Neal Shipley + Nikita Romanov
Jude Cummings Rochester District Golf Association
1:00 PM 10 Williamson Cup Bradley Parker + Garrett Kessler
Justin Fedele Golf Quebec
12:40 PM 10 Williamson Cup Carlo Pizzano + Will Bennink
Luke Stanley Buffalo District Golf Association
1:10 PM 10 Williamson Cup Scott Bitar + Tyler Buddendeck
Matthew Homer Delaware State Golf Association
1:30 PM 10 Williamson Cup Max Dec + Zach Boyes
Matthew Miller Delaware State Golf Association
1:30 PM 1 Williamson Cup Andrew LaCongo + Anthony Maglisco
Max Dec Syracuse District Golf Association
1:30 PM 10 Williamson Cup Matthew Homer + Zach Boyes
Michael Weber Golf Ontario
12:50 PM 1 Williamson Cup Charlie Berridge + Jake Griffin
Mikael Pageau Golf Quebec
12:30 PM 1 Williamson Cup Patrick Isztwan
Neal Shipley Western Pennsylvania Golf Association
1:20 PM 10 Williamson Cup Johnny Grunninger + Nikita Romanov
Nick Bove Syracuse District Golf Association
1:20 PM 1 Williamson Cup Anthony Ciconte + Brady Pevarnik
Nikita Romanov Delaware State Golf Association
1:20 PM 10 Williamson Cup Johnny Grunninger + Neal Shipley
Patrick Isztwan Golf Association of Philadelphia
12:30 PM 1 Williamson Cup Mikael Pageau
Patrick Sheehan Golf Association of Philadelphia
12:30 PM 10 Williamson Cup Samuel Breton-Gagnon
Ryan Moylan Washington Metropolitan Golf Association
12:40 PM 1 Williamson Cup Andreas Aivazoglou + Guillaume Dubois
Samuel Breton-Gagnon Golf Quebec
12:30 PM 10 Williamson Cup Patrick Sheehan
Scott Bitar Western Pennsylvania Golf Association
1:10 PM 10 Williamson Cup Luke Stanley + Tyler Buddendeck
Tyler Buddendeck Rochester District Golf Association
1:10 PM 10 Williamson Cup Luke Stanley + Scott Bitar
Will Bennink Golf Association of Philadelphia
12:40 PM 10 Williamson Cup Carlo Pizzano + Justin Fedele
William Celiberti Metropolitan Golf Association
1:00 PM 1 Williamson Cup Ethan Irvine + John Mittiga
Zach Boyes Buffalo District Golf Association
1:30 PM 10 Williamson Cup Matthew Homer + Max Dec