Northern California Golf Association

Associate Club Championship

Poppy Hills GC and Spyglass Hill GC

Monday-Tuesday, August 26-27, 2019

Player Information Sheet


Club Information (website/directions):                

Poppy Hills GC                                  

3200 Lopez Rd                                  

Pebble Beach, CA 93953               

(831) 622-8239                                        


Spyglass Hill GC  

Stevinson Dr and Spyglass Hill Rd

Pebble Beach, CA 93953

(831) 625-8563                               



Best two balls of four. 36-holes stroke play, 18-holes per day. Two players from each club will be paired with two players from another club. For this format the NCGA defines a “side” as the two players from a club playing together. Should a disqualification penalty affect the “side,” the other two players from that club are still eligible to compete. The two best balls can both come from any of the four players.


Men will play from the WHITE NCGA tee markers at PoppyHills GC and the WHITE tee markers at SpyglassHill GC. Women will play from the RED NCGA tee markers at PoppyHills GC and the RED tee markers at Spyglass Hill GC. Please see the “Yardage” page on the event portal for hole-by-hole yardages. Play will be 90% (men) and 95% (women) of the Course Handicap using a maximum current Handicap Index of 18.4. Players with a Handicap Index of 18.5 or higher are eligible but must play to a maximum Handicap Index of 18.4. The tournament will be played using the August 15, 2019 Handicap Revision. Teams will be paired by score for the second round.


If a player starts but does not complete a hole, their marker should record an “X” followed by the score he most likely would have made. This score is for handicap purposes only and shall not exceed the Equitable Stroke Control limit for his/her Course Handicap.


Competition Schedule:                                                

The first round will be played at Poppy Hills GC. The second round will be played at Spyglass Hill GC. The first starting time will be at 7:30AM from hole 1 and 10 on BOTH days. Players should be at their assigned tee 10 minutes prior to their starting time. Teams will be repaired by score for the second round. Pairings will be available at the Pairings Party to be held at Porter's in the Forest at Poppy Hills GC from 4:30-6:30 PM on Monday, August 26th.


Practice Round Information:                                     

The NCGA does not arrange practice rounds for either golf course.

Poppy Hills GC Contact the Golf Shop at (831) 622-8239 to schedule a practice round. NCGA member green fees are $85 Monday-Thursday and $115 Friday-Sunday. Cart fee is $25 per rider. Range balls are included in this fee.

Spyglass Hill GC – If you wish to play prior to the tournament you must make reservations by calling Golf Central at (800) 654-9300. Green fees are $395 per NCGA member (does not include cart). A twilight rate of $225 is available after 4:30pm (August). Please call the Spyglass Hill Golf Shop for more information. Cart rental is $90 per cart. Range balls are available for $10 per bucket.



Cart Fee Information:                                                   

The NCGA is committed to providing golfers with disabilities as much course access as the conditions allow. Please contact the host Head Professional to make requests for additional access at least one week prior to the event. SPECTATOR CARTS ARE PROHIBITED.

Poppy Hills GC – Golf carts are optional at the player’s expense. Cart rental is $25 per rider.

Spyglass Hill GC – Golf carts are optional at the player’s expense. Cart rental is $90 per cart.

A maximum of two carts per group is permitted.


Practice Balls:                                                                   

Poppy Hills GC – Practice balls are included prior to the round. Range opens at 6:30AM or sunrise whichever is earlier.

Spyglass Hill GC Practice balls are available for $10 per bucket. Range opens at 6:00AM.



Caddies for Spyglass Hill GC are available on a limited basis and may be reserved by calling the Caddie Master at (831) 622-6162.


Payment Information:                                                  

Cash and major credit cards accepted at both facilities.


Food and Beverage Information:                             

Poppy Hills GC – The restaurant opens at 6:00AM.

Spyglass Hill GC – The restaurant opens at 6:00AM.

No outside food and beverage is permitted at either facility. To avoid losing position and penalty for slow play, we recommend all players order ready-made food at the grill or restaurant if doing so during their rounds.



Only a club official may make substitutions, pairing changes and/or revisions by notifying the NCGA Rules and Competitions Office at least one week prior to the first tournament day.



The winning team will be awarded a plaque for the club, gold medals for each player; the club name will be engraved on the perpetual Zone Championship trophy. The second place team will be awarded silver medals for each player. The third place team will be awarded bronze medals for each player.


Gate Clearance:                                                                                 

For Pebble Beach gate clearance, please state your name and the NCGA tournament you are playing to the Pebble Beach Security personnel upon arrival at any gate to 17-Mile Drive.


Rules Information:                                                         

Golf shoes – Model Local Rule G-7 is in effect.

Maximum Score – The maximum allowable score for a side on any hole is 9, Rule 21.2 applies.

Alternative to Stroke and Distance – Model Local Rule E-5 is in effect.

Play-off – The format is the same as the championship, two best balls of four. All players start from the same tee. Ties for first place will be broken by a hole-by-hole play-off. If a play-off cannot be conducted (decision of the Committee and the golf course) the USGA suggested method of matching cards will be used. Ties for second or third place will be broken by the USGA suggested method of matching cards.


Communication Between Sides:              

It is permissible to communicate information about scores or other course information between sides of a Zone team via text. Please make sure any cell phone use does not disrupt other players.


Additional Information:                                               

Prior to the first day of the event, you must make yourself familiar with the Player Handbook, Hard Card, and Pace of Play Policy.


See the above links for policies on Dress Code, Withdrawals, No Shows, and Conditions of Competition.

It is the PLAYER’S responsibility to know the Rules and Conditions of the Competition.


Please direct any questions concerning this event to the NCGA Rules and Competitions department at (831) 625-4653.