Northern California Golf Association
U.S. Mid-Amateur / Women’s Mid Amateur Qualifying
North Ridge CC
August 5, 2019
Player Information Sheet
Club Information (website/directions):
North Ridge Country Club
7600 Madison Avenue
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
One 18-hole stipulated round of individual stroke play. Contestants will play from the USGA Markers wherever they are situated (see Yardage Sheet). Men will play from the WHITE USGA Markers and Women will play from the BLUE USGA Markers. The low individual scores (to be announced on the tee) will advance to the 33rd U.S. Women’s Mid-Amateur Championship (September 14-19, 2019 at Forest Highlands Golf Club in Flagstaff, Ariz.) or the 39th U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship (September 14-19, 2019 at Colorado Golf Club in Parker, Colo.) Any play-offs will take place immediately after the conclusion of play for the last spot and two alternate positions.
Competition Schedule:
Starting times will start at 9:00am off holes #1 and #10. Starting times will be on the portal (click here) August 1, 2019. Please be at your assigned tee at least 10 minutes prior to your starting time.
Practice Round Information:
Players will contact the Pro Shop for availability and identify themselves as a US Mid-Amateur Qualifying participant. Practice rounds are available on a space available basis for a rate of $50. Cart fee is $16 per person. For practice round starting times/availability, please call the number above.
Cart Information:
Automotive transportation is prohibited for the competition. Players and caddies must walk. Pull-carts are permitted. SPECTATOR CARTS ARE PROHIBITED.
Caddies are allowed. No caddies are available from North Ridge CC.
Practice Balls:
Provided for players on the day of the competition at no cost. The driving range will open at 7:00am.
Payment Information:
Cash, credit cards (except American Express) and reciprocal charges are accepted for all purchases (golf shop and food and beverage).
Food and Beverage Information:
The snack bar will be open from 7:30AM – 4:00PM. Limited items will be available.
Notify the NCGA at 831-625-4653 to withdraw. Players that fail to notify the NCGA prior to their starting time will be listed as No Shows.
In the event of injury or illness, contact the USGA at 908-234-2400 for a refund prior to September 14, 2019. No refunds will be issued after September 14, 2019. A $35 service charge will be deducted from all refunds.
Rules Information:
The Rules of Golf effective January 1, 2019 are in effect and are supplemented by the 2019 USGA Hard Card. The Committee will provide any additional Local Rules needed at the qualifying site. It is the player’s responsibility to know the terms of the competition.
Driver Heads:
Only brands of golf balls on the most current List of Conforming Golf Balls and driver heads on the most current List of Conforming Driver Heads may be used. Updated lists may be found on the USGA website at or by contacting the USGA Equipment Standards Department at (908) 234-2300. See Model Local Rules G-1 and G-3.
One Ball Rule:
The one ball Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-4.
The Local Rule prohibiting the use of motorized transportation as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
Prohibition on Certain Types of Shoes:
The Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-7.
Clubs: Grooves:
The Local Rule as prescribed by Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect, except that the Exception in the Model Local Rule does not apply (see Model Local Rule G-2).