SCGA Twilight League at Rancho San Joaquin, Team Standings
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Number | Rank | Teams | Total Points | Team Members |
1 | 1 | Courtney Crew | 48.00 | Alex Tokunaga | Bob Gilbert | Frank Hughes | George Courtney | Mike Houg... |
2 | 2 | Par-Tee | 44.00 | Brian Grochow | David Foreman | Greg Blair | James Hay | Jeff Guzzetta |... |
3 | T3 | Back Tee Bombers | 18.00 | Aaron Donk | Alejandro Velez | Carter Gaskill | Jordan Doolittle | Kenji... |
4 | T3 | Triple G | 18.00 | Adrian Padilla | Brian Kang | Eric Yoon | Jason Sedoff | Luis Trevino | ... | Totals: | 128.00 |