Golf Genius ::

2019 AGA/GAP Ben Marshall Spring Four-Ball Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, June 5

Irem Country Club
Time Players
Irem Country Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Andrejko, Anthony Scranton Municipal Golf Course
9:30 AM White/Gold Brand, Charles + Breck, James + Savitts, Walter
Answini, Mark Fox Hill Country Club
9:10 AM Green Biscotti, Thomas + Bonavoglia, Michael + Evans, Eamon
Biscotti, Thomas Wyoming Valley Country Club
9:10 AM Green Answini, Mark + Bonavoglia, Michael + Evans, Eamon
Bolcavage, Kenneth Elkview Country Club
9:00 AM White/Gold Froncek, Matt + Martines, John + Scarpetta, Jr., Vincent
Bonavoglia, Michael Elmhurst Country Club
9:10 AM Green Answini, Mark + Biscotti, Thomas + Evans, Eamon
Bonda, Robin Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:20 AM White/Gold Mazur, Steve + Miller, Tom + Tonkin, Jerry
Brand, Charles Irem Country Club
9:30 AM White/Gold Andrejko, Anthony + Breck, James + Savitts, Walter
Breck, James Irem Country Club
9:30 AM White/Gold Andrejko, Anthony + Brand, Charles + Savitts, Walter
Cleary, Randy Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:00 AM White/Gold Heck, Michael + Tolerico, John + Travis, George
Donatoni, A.J. Fox Hill Country Club
9:20 AM Green Haley, Mike + Leonardis, David + Spengler, Gershom
Evans, Eamon Glenmaura National Golf Club
9:10 AM Green Answini, Mark + Biscotti, Thomas + Bonavoglia, Michael
Froncek, Matt Elkview Country Club
9:00 AM White/Gold Bolcavage, Kenneth + Martines, John + Scarpetta, Jr., Vincent
Fronzoni, Jim Huntsville Golf Club
11:40 PM White/Gold Lydick, Bill + Medico, Mariano + Pinnacoli, Jr., Frank
Gardas, James Glenmaura National Golf Club
11:50 PM Green Jones, Chris + Teeple, Corey + Williams, Eric
Haggerty, Chris Scranton Municipal Golf Course
12:00 PM Green Lipski, Robert + Masters, Justin + Wilson, Jonathan
Haley, Mike Fox Hill Country Club
9:20 AM Green Donatoni, A.J. + Leonardis, David + Spengler, Gershom
Heck, Michael Elkview Country Club
11:00 AM White/Gold Cleary, Randy + Tolerico, John + Travis, George
Jones, Chris Irem Country Club
11:50 PM Green Gardas, James + Teeple, Corey + Williams, Eric
Leonardis, David Jack Frost National Golf Club
9:20 AM Green Donatoni, A.J. + Haley, Mike + Spengler, Gershom
Lipski, Robert Irem Country Club
12:00 PM Green Haggerty, Chris + Masters, Justin + Wilson, Jonathan
Lydick, Bill Huntsville Golf Club
11:40 PM White/Gold Fronzoni, Jim + Medico, Mariano + Pinnacoli, Jr., Frank
Martines, John Country Club of Scranton
9:00 AM White/Gold Bolcavage, Kenneth + Froncek, Matt + Scarpetta, Jr., Vincent
Masters, Justin The Country Club of Scranton
12:00 PM Green Haggerty, Chris + Lipski, Robert + Wilson, Jonathan
Mazur, Steve Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:20 AM White/Gold Bonda, Robin + Miller, Tom + Tonkin, Jerry
Medico, Mariano Huntsville Golf Club
11:40 PM Green Fronzoni, Jim + Lydick, Bill + Pinnacoli, Jr., Frank
Michaels, Rob Huntsville Golf Club
11:10 AM Green Neupauer, Gary + Orcutt, Ryan + Rossi, Kevin
Miller, Tom Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:20 AM White/Gold Bonda, Robin + Mazur, Steve + Tonkin, Jerry
Neupauer, Gary Huntsville Golf Club
11:10 AM Green Michaels, Rob + Orcutt, Ryan + Rossi, Kevin
Orcutt, Ryan Philadelphia Publinks
11:10 AM Green Michaels, Rob + Neupauer, Gary + Rossi, Kevin
Pinnacoli, Jr., Frank Huntsville Golf Club
11:40 PM Green Fronzoni, Jim + Lydick, Bill + Medico, Mariano
Rossi, Kevin Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:10 AM Green Michaels, Rob + Neupauer, Gary + Orcutt, Ryan
Savitts, Walter Scranton Canoe Club
9:30 AM White/Gold Andrejko, Anthony + Brand, Charles + Breck, James
Scarpetta, Jr., Vincent Nittany Country Club
9:00 AM White/Gold Bolcavage, Kenneth + Froncek, Matt + Martines, John
Spengler, Gershom Jack Frost National Golf Club
9:20 AM Green Donatoni, A.J. + Haley, Mike + Leonardis, David
Teeple, Corey Honesdale Golf Club
11:50 PM Green Gardas, James + Jones, Chris + Williams, Eric
Tolerico, John Elkview Country Club
11:00 AM White/Gold Cleary, Randy + Heck, Michael + Travis, George
Tonkin, Jerry Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:20 AM White/Gold Bonda, Robin + Mazur, Steve + Miller, Tom
Travis, George Scranton Municipal Golf Course
11:00 AM White/Gold Cleary, Randy + Heck, Michael + Tolerico, John
Williams, Eric Honesdale Golf Club
11:50 PM Green Gardas, James + Jones, Chris + Teeple, Corey
Wilson, Jonathan Irem Country Club
12:00 PM Green Haggerty, Chris + Lipski, Robert + Masters, Justin