Player Roster
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All Golfers
Allen Martindale
Bill Paiter
Bruce Holliday
Bryan Askew
Cal Martin
Chris Hall
Chuck Barnes
Claud Cooper
Dave Gapinski
David Dougherty
David Hancock
David Walker
Don Norsworthy
Earle Bidez
Emile Vaughan
Gay McMichael
Grantland Rice
Hal Wilson
Hamp Andrews
James Prim
Joey Holley
John Barton
John Beatty
John Coles III
John Stewart
John Wright
Kenneth Brothers
Kevin Newton
Larry Clark
Mark Skovera
Michael Fosdick
Michael Holton
Mike Riley
Miles Casaday
Mints McGowin
Neill Hatcher
Peter Dyson
Phil Pavoni
Randy Bowman
Robert Nelson
Rocky Barnes
Ronald Norsworthy
Scott Gilreath
Thad Estes
Timothy Pope
Tom Eagan
Tom Jungkind
Tom McCabe
Walker Grant
Wendell Underwood
William Blalock
William Hodges