Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Brakebill, Gage | 1.5 |
Breland, Josh | 6.0 |
Brewer, Brady | 8.8 |
Burns, Benjamin | 1.4 |
Caldwell, Luke | |
Cooper, Brett | +3.0 |
Cummins, Bradford | |
Homan, Chad | +1.3 |
Johnson, Carson | |
Levine, Sam | 4.3 |
McKenzie, John Thomas | 2.3 |
Ogle, Peyton | 0.5 |
Peevy, Matthew | 2.5 |
Price, Connor | |
Rimmer, Ethan | 0.0 |
Thompson, Nicholas | |
Wick, Miller | +2.2 |
Williamson, Tyler | 0.5 |