Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Alan Boyko | +0.2 |
Andrew Herre | 0.1 |
Andy Titterton | 3.1 |
Brooks Ferring | +0.6 |
Chris Carlson | 2.4 |
Collin Engelhardt | 0.0 |
David Berry | 0.5 |
Fred Chacon | 0.7 |
Grant Dean | +1.7 |
Hank Schlissberg | +0.7 |
James Jones | 1.0 |
Jimmy Cartwright | 0.1 |
Kent Moore | 1.5 |
Kurt Walker | 0.4 |
Michael Love | 0.3 |
Pat Diaz | 1.9 |
Peter Horstman | +0.7 |
Scott Mendelsohn | +2.9 |
Scott Shore | 2.3 |
Taylor Foust | 0.2 |
Tyson Shinaut | +1.5 |
WILLIAM Thornton | 2.0 |