U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship

USGA Qualifying 

July 1, 2019





Everett Golf and Country Club

1500 52nd St SE

Everett, WA 98203

Brent Webber, PGA Head Golf Professional

(425) 259-1214 – Golf Shop



FORMAT/QUALIFYING PLACES: Stroke play competition conducted over 18 holes. The field of 47 contestants will compete for four (4) qualifying places and two alternate positions into the U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship to be played on July 22-27, 2019 at SentryWorld in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.


QUALIFYING PORTAL: Follow the link for pairings, live scoring, results and player information. You can also access the portal by using the USGA Tournament Management app on your mobile device. To access the portal using the mobile app, login using GGID: USGJR-EGCC19


COURSE YARDAGE: Follow the link for hole-by-hole yardages. The course will play 6,050 yards, par-72.


REGISTRATION: Players do not need to check-in upon arrival at the course. Players are to report to their assigned starting tees, ready to play, 8 minutes before their starting times.      


STARTING TIMES: Attached, and available on the Washington State Golf Association’s website, www.thewsga.org. Online scoring will be available during the qualifier. Tee times will be off the #1 tee from 8:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. LINK TO PAIRINGS


PLAYOFF: In the event of a tie for the last qualifying places or alternates, there will be a hole-by-hole playoff to determine the final qualifiers and the 1st and 2nd alternate if necessary. All announcements regarding the play-off will be made at the scoring table upon completion of the qualifying round. 


FOOTWEAR: Rule 4.3 is modified in this way: During a round, a player must not wear shoes with traditionally-designed spikes (regardless of composition, i.e., ceramic, plastic, etc.) or spikes, of any design, comprised either entirely or partially of metal (if such metal may come in contact with the course). Penalty for breach of this Local Rule: See Rule 4.3. 


DRIVERS/GOLF BALLS: The Local Rule for Conforming Driver Heads is in effect, See Model Local Rule G-1. The Local Rule requiring that all golf balls used be on the List of Conforming Golf Balls is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-3. Please check the USGA website, www.usga.org, for a list of approved golf balls and drivers. The “One Ball Rule” is in effect. See Model Local Rule G-4. 

GROOVES:  The players clubs must conform to the grooves and punch mark specifications in The Rules of Golf that are effective from January 1, 2010. See Model Local Rule G-2


DMDS: The use of conforming distance-measuring devices (DMD) will be permitted in Sectional qualifying and in the Championship proper of all USGA amateur championships. For more information, visit UNDERSTANDING DMDs.


PACE OF PLAY: It is a condition that player must play without undue delay and in accordance with guidelines established by committee. PACE OF PLAY GUIDELINES


EVACUATION PLAN: In the event of a discontinuance of play during the qualifier, players must adhere to the evacuation plan distributed by the Committee at the starting tee. 


PRACTICE ROUND AVAILABILITY: Players may play one hosted practice round. Practice rounds for out of town contestants will be available on Sunday, June 30 after 2:00 p.m. Local contestants may play their practice round during the week prior to the qualifier at the discretion of the golf shop. Call the golf shop at  (425) 259-1214 to schedule a practice round.


PRACTICE FACILITIES/RANGE BALLS: Range balls will be hosted on the driving range beginning at 6:30 a.m.


CADDIES: Caddies are allowed. Host club caddies will not be available. Caddies must wear a caddie bib, which will be provided on the first tee and must be returned with the players scorecard. Rule 10.3a is modified in this way: A player must not have a parent, step parent or guardian as her caddie during the round. Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: The player gets the general penalty for each hole during which she is helped by such a caddie. If the breach happens or continues between two holes, the player gets the general penalty for the next hole.


CARTS: Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a round unless authorized by the Committee. Spectator carts will not be permitted.  


GOLF SHOP/LOCKER ROOM/PRACTICE AREAS: Open at 6:30 a.m. – Everett G&CC is a cash only facility. Cash and member charge back to club are the only forms of payment that will be accepted.


CODE OF CONDUCT: As set forth in the USGA application, the code of conduct applies to all USGA Qualifying and Championships. 


PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Contestants, caddies and spectators must be neat in appearance. Bermuda length shorts may be worn. Short shorts, tee shirts, tank tops and blue jeans are prohibited. Shirts must have collars.


FOOD SERVICE: The snack bar will be open at 7:00 a.m. with grab and go items available, lunch service will begin at 11:00 a.m. Everett G&CC is a cash only facility, players or spectators may charge back to their club if applicable.


AWARD CEREMONY: Silver Medal will be awarded to lowest scorer. 



Scotty Crouthamel

Senior Director of Rules & Competitions

Washington State Golf Association

(206) 849-0549 – Cell Phone



If it becomes necessary to withdraw prior to the date of the competition, please contact Scotty Crouthamel at scotty.crouthamel@thewsga.org or (206) 849-0549 and the USGA at champs@usga.org or 908-326-1950.