2019 SLAT at Creekmoor Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, September 5

The Golf Club at Creekmoor - Archived on 07-16-2020
Time Players
The Golf Club at Creekmoor - Archived on 07-16-2020
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam, Scott
7:57 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Moore, Mark + Scarsella, John
Addington, Mark
7:48 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Patel, Mittal + Worthey, Mark
Aikmus, Greg
8:33 AM SLAT - Legends Copowycz, John + Vanlandingham, Sam
Armstrong, Brian
10:39 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Hames, Brady + Stimetz, Brian
Beaubien, Chris
10:21 AM SLAT - Open Cross, Jason + Kinkelaar, Michael
Bezek, Bob
8:06 AM SLAT - Legends Handlan, Kevin
Bischoff, Michael
9:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Hopkins, Stephen + Triplitt, Cadet
Bruns, Matt
9:09 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Hanny, David + Wilson, Rick
Buckhouse, Michael
10:03 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Kochtanek, Jeff + Thornton, Alan
Cavanaugh, Brenan
9:27 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Moeller, Brian + Wright, Dave
Choate, Tad
9:54 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Makowske, Andrew + Spellerberg, Matt
Claycomb, David
9:00 AM SLAT - Legends Harris, Dave + Lodes, Jim
Copowycz, John
8:33 AM SLAT - Legends Aikmus, Greg + Vanlandingham, Sam
Cross, Jason
10:21 AM SLAT - Open Beaubien, Chris + Kinkelaar, Michael
Diederich, Gregory
7:30 AM SLAT - Open Downing, Alex + Mertz, Brent
Disilvestro, Tony
8:24 AM SLAT - Open Houtteman, Mike + Meyer, Bryan
Downing, Alex
7:30 AM SLAT - Open Diederich, Gregory + Mertz, Brent
Forrest, Keith
8:42 AM SLAT - Legends Frisbie, Steven + Steege, John
Forsythe, Andrew
9:36 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Mein, Trenton + Moore, Marcus
Frisbie, Steven
8:42 AM SLAT - Legends Forrest, Keith + Steege, John
Gatten, Gary
10:48 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Gilmore, David + Naegele, Mike
Gilmore, David
10:48 AM SLAT - Open Gatten, Gary + Naegele, Mike
Grant, John
8:51 AM SLAT - Legends Hamilton, David + Merriman, Lew
Hames, Brady
10:39 AM SLAT - Open Armstrong, Brian + Stimetz, Brian
Hamilton, David
8:51 AM SLAT - Legends Grant, John + Merriman, Lew
Hammond, Steve
7:39 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Robbins, Pete
Handlan, Kevin
8:06 AM SLAT - Legends Bezek, Bob
Hanny, David
9:09 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Bruns, Matt + Wilson, Rick
Harris, Dave
9:00 AM SLAT - Legends Claycomb, David + Lodes, Jim
Hopkins, Stephen
9:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Bischoff, Michael + Triplitt, Cadet
Houtteman, Mike
8:24 AM SLAT - Legends Disilvestro, Tony + Meyer, Bryan
Jorgensen, Michael
9:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Magerkurth, Chris + Rich, James
Kinkelaar, Michael
10:21 AM SLAT - Open Beaubien, Chris + Cross, Jason
Kochtanek, Jeff
10:03 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Buckhouse, Michael + Thornton, Alan
Lang, Bill
10:57 AM SLAT - Legends Pawsat, John
Lodes, Jim
9:00 AM SLAT - Legends Claycomb, David + Harris, Dave
Magerkurth, Chris
9:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Jorgensen, Michael + Rich, James
Makowske, Andrew
9:54 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Choate, Tad + Spellerberg, Matt
Mandina, Guglielmo
10:30 AM SLAT - Open Routh, Garrett + Stone, Trey
Mein, Trenton
9:36 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Forsythe, Andrew + Moore, Marcus
Merriman, Lew
8:51 AM SLAT - Legends Grant, John + Hamilton, David
Mertz, Brent
7:30 AM SLAT - Open Diederich, Gregory + Downing, Alex
Meyer, Bryan
8:24 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Disilvestro, Tony + Houtteman, Mike
Meyer, Chris
10:12 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Nigh, RITCH
Moeller, Brian
9:27 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Cavanaugh, Brenan + Wright, Dave
Moore, Marcus
9:36 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Forsythe, Andrew + Mein, Trenton
Moore, Mark
7:57 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Adam, Scott + Scarsella, John
Naegele, Mike
10:48 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Gatten, Gary + Gilmore, David
10:12 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Meyer, Chris
Ortman, Dennis
8:15 AM SLAT - Legends Seiner, Randy + Seward, Jim
Patel, Mittal
7:48 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Addington, Mark + Worthey, Mark
Pawsat, John
10:57 AM SLAT - Legends Lang, Bill
Rich, James
9:45 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Jorgensen, Michael + Magerkurth, Chris
Robbins, Pete
7:39 AM SLAT - Legends Hammond, Steve
Routh, Garrett
10:30 AM SLAT - Open Mandina, Guglielmo + Stone, Trey
Scarsella, John
7:57 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Adam, Scott + Moore, Mark
Seiner, Randy
8:15 AM SLAT - Legends Ortman, Dennis + Seward, Jim
Seward, Jim
8:15 AM SLAT - Legends Ortman, Dennis + Seiner, Randy
Spellerberg, Matt
9:54 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Choate, Tad + Makowske, Andrew
Steege, John
8:42 AM SLAT - Legends Forrest, Keith + Frisbie, Steven
Stimetz, Brian
10:39 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Armstrong, Brian + Hames, Brady
Stone, Trey
10:30 AM SLAT - Open Mandina, Guglielmo + Routh, Garrett
Thornton, Alan
10:03 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Buckhouse, Michael + Kochtanek, Jeff
Triplitt, Cadet
9:18 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Bischoff, Michael + Hopkins, Stephen
Vanlandingham, Sam
8:33 AM SLAT - Legends Aikmus, Greg + Copowycz, John
Wilson, Rick
9:09 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Bruns, Matt + Hanny, David
Worthey, Mark
7:48 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Addington, Mark + Patel, Mittal
Wright, Dave
9:27 AM SLAT - Senior/Players Cavanaugh, Brenan + Moeller, Brian