Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Au, Ashley | 0.3 |
Choi, Faith | 0.2 |
Drahnak, Erin | 6.5 |
Freyvogel, Lauren | 1.9 |
Gal, Nicole | 3.8 |
Gelpi, Vileska | 3.0 |
Hackett, Sydney | 2.3 |
Hua, Jenny | 1.9 |
Lewis, Christina | 0.8 |
Lydic, Hannah | 2.1 |
Lydic, Sarah | 1.7 |
McKelvey, Tatum | 1.1 |
Monod, Victoria | 2.9 |
Nugent, Hunter | 0.4 |
Porter, Kiaira | 5.5 |
Raines, Leila | 2.9 |
Schaffer, Peyton | 1.4 |
Scott, Paige | 6.4 |
Smithco, Madie | 0.6 |
Steve, Sara | 5.5 |
Wang, Xinyi | 2.8 |
Wrigley, Caroline | 2.0 |