Date:                    June 14, 2019

To:                        Oregon Amateur Championship Entrants

From:                   Brent Whittaker, Director of Tournament Operations

Subject:               Player Information


Welcome to the 36th Oregon Senior Women’s Amateur Championship, June 19 – 22, at Portland Golf Club.  Attached you will find your starting times for the stroke play qualifying round on Wednesday, June 19th.  Completing an 18-hole qualifying in order to determine the low 16 qualifiers for the championship bracket.  There will be a playoff immediately following play on Wednesday in the event of a tie for the last qualifying spot and for medalist.  All other scores will be put in a consolation bracket.  A drop flight will be generated for those that lose their first round matches. The defending champion, Lara Tennant has agreed to assume the #2 seed in match play. 


Additional player information:


Round One Pairings: Click Here


To view live scores and additional tournament information download the USGA Tournament Management APP and enter the GGID: 2019ORSRWOMENSAM


MATCH PLAY STARTING TIMES: In order for contestants to acquire Thursday match play starting times, you may phone the following number (503) 989 – 0069, any time after 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening. Starting times will also be posted on the OGA website as well as on the scoreboard. Please be mindful that the timely generation of Wednesday’s pairings and starting times will be affected by any playoffs that may take place for the final qualifying berths. Also, please feel free to rely on the starting time ranges, which are included in your registration packet to estimate your match play starting times for the week.


REGISTRATION: All contestants are required to register in person prior to play in order to pick up their contestant packet and tee prize.  Registration will be conducted at Portland Golf Club outside the pro shop on Wednesday, June 19th from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm.


PRACTICE ROUND: Players may call Portland Golf Club, 503-292-2778, at any time to make practice round arrangements if you not already made arrangements. For those playing a practice Tuesday afternoon please see below for a schedule.  As a reminder, Tuesday practice round time is based on when the last men’s group has made the turn. Please, check in the with an OGA Staff member when arriving for a practice round on Tuesday.

contestants are eligible for one complimentary practice round. Practice rounds are for contestants only and will not be extended to guests, caddies, or family members. You must identify yourself as an Oregon Amateur Championship contestant in order to receive your free practice round. Players who wish to use their practice round are expected to abide by all club rules including pace of play.

Tuesday Practice rounds:

4:45 PM Hole #1 – Sandy Day, Rise Alexander, Susie Hammitt



Senior Women’s – Click Here

OGA HOSTED LUNCH: The OGA will provide lunch for all contestants on Wednesday, June 19th and Thursday, June 20th.


CADDIES:  Portland Golf Club will not have caddies available; you may bring your own.


OGA PACE OF PLAY GUIDELINES: The OGA Pace of Play Policy will be in effect. OGA Pace of Play Policy is available on the OGA website and at the Starters table.


CODE OF CONDUCT: Contestants are expected to 1) know and play by the Rules of Golf, 2) conduct themselves at all time in a sportsmanlike manner, 3) respect the golf course and the rights of other contestants, 4) fulfill their playing obligations and 5) know and abide by the OGA Pace of Play. If the Committee considers that a player is a guilty of a serious breach of etiquette, including but not limited to unsportsmanlike conduct (cheating, damaging the golf course, defacing club property, using loud obscene language, throwing clubs, consuming alcoholic beverages when such consumption: is prohibited by the host facility, is offensive to the contestants fellow competitor’s and/or causes the contestant’s behavior to become offensive, etc.) it may impose a penalty of DISQUALIFICTATION and possible suspension from future play in OGA Championships. Any disciplinary actions imposed on a contestant by the OGA may be formally communicated to a representative of the contestant’s club and/ or to any other allied golf association that the OGA deems appropriate.


CONDITIONS & SCHEDULES: The OGA assumes no liability for any conditions of the competition. Upon submitting this entry and subsequently playing in this competition, players agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the OGA and its respective affiliates directors, officers, employees, agents, and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities and losses, including, without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees and costs and expenses of litigation, arising out of any negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party in connection with the conditions herein. The OGA Tournament Committee reserves the right to alter any of the conditions and schedules herein. The decision of the Committee in any matter shall be final.


SCORE POSTING: Score posting will be done by the OGA for each round after the championship has been completed.  The OGA will post each player’s adjusted score to GHIN as a tournament score, for handicapping purposes. This will include match play. Each match will be given a scorecard for players to record scores. For matches that finish less than 18 holes, the holes not completed will be scored as par plus handicap strokes the player may receive. For those matches that finish less than 12 holes only a 9 hole score will be posted for the player. For extra hole matches; unless they extend beyond 9 holes, they will be posted as an 18 hole score.


DRESS CODE: Proper attire must be worn at all times.  Proper attire does not include spandex body wear, cutoffs, running shorts, short-shorts, tank tops, tee shirts, or denim of any kind.  Neat and clean pants, slacks, cords, or appropriately hemmed, tailored shorts are acceptable, as are sweaters and golf shirts with a collar.  Shoes must be worn at all times. Competitors in violation of this policy will not be permitted to begin play and may have their entry revoked should a violation occur before the close of competition.  In addition to the competitor, a player’s caddie is also required to adhere to the OGA Dress Code. The OGA reserves the right to determine what is and what is not suitable attire and may prohibit the play of a contestant unsuitably attired.


The OGA Dress Code applies to spectators as well as contestants.


CANCELLATIONS: We expect all entrants to complete their rounds and fulfill their playing obligations.  If for some reason you are forced to withdraw during the championship, please notify an OGA Official as soon as possible.