TYGA One-Day at CC of Asheville Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, August 8

Country Club of Asheville - Archived on 07-01-2020
Time Players
Country Club of Asheville - Archived on 07-01-2020
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aidan Dimakis
9:12 AM Black Brandon Spinks + Evan Loftis + Travis Watson
Albany Bock
8:09 AM Gold (W) Christina Fisher
Alex Gould
9:39 AM Black Mark Mulholland + William Grasty
Andrew Haarlow
9:03 AM Black Jackson Price + Spencer Cable + Stephen Madden
Andrew Wood
8:36 AM Black Luke Ward + Steve Pappas
Ashlyn Strickland
9:57 AM Gold (W) Gigi Nagy + Jewel Gilchrist López
Becca Connolly
8:00 AM Gold (W) Emma Maddock
Brandon Spinks
9:12 AM Black Aidan Dimakis + Evan Loftis + Travis Watson
Brody Hirt
10:06 AM Red (W) Minyan Ou
Carson Witherspoon
8:54 AM Black Connor Brown + Joseph Madden + Reid Johnson
Charles Howden
9:30 AM Black Jamal Hutchison + Taylor Kuehn
Christina Fisher
8:09 AM Gold (W) Albany Bock
Connor Brown
8:54 AM Black Carson Witherspoon + Joseph Madden + Reid Johnson
Connor Goforth
9:21 AM Black Isaac Einsmann + Samuel Hendrix
Cooper King
9:48 AM Black Daniel Stamey + Samuel Mace + Tucker Settle
Daniel Stamey
9:48 AM Black Cooper King + Samuel Mace + Tucker Settle
Derek Ray
8:18 AM Gold Eric Moore + Hunter Justice
Emma Maddock
8:00 AM Gold (W) Becca Connolly
Eric Moore
8:18 AM Gold Derek Ray + Hunter Justice
Evan Loftis
9:12 AM Black Aidan Dimakis + Brandon Spinks + Travis Watson
Evan Suddreth
8:27 AM Gold Will Choplin
Gigi Nagy
9:57 AM Gold (W) Ashlyn Strickland + Jewel Gilchrist López
Harrison Hilliard
8:45 AM Black Sean Finan
Hunter Justice
8:18 AM Gold Derek Ray + Eric Moore
Isaac Einsmann
9:21 AM Black Connor Goforth + Samuel Hendrix
Jackson Price
9:03 AM Black Andrew Haarlow + Spencer Cable + Stephen Madden
Jamal Hutchison
9:30 AM Black Charles Howden + Taylor Kuehn
Jewel Gilchrist López
9:57 AM Gold (W) Ashlyn Strickland + Gigi Nagy
Joseph Madden
8:54 AM Black Carson Witherspoon + Connor Brown + Reid Johnson
Luke Ward
8:36 AM Black Andrew Wood + Steve Pappas
Mark Mulholland
9:39 AM Black Alex Gould + William Grasty
Minyan Ou
10:06 AM Red (W) Brody Hirt
Reid Johnson
8:54 AM Black Carson Witherspoon + Connor Brown + Joseph Madden
Samuel Hendrix
9:21 AM Black Connor Goforth + Isaac Einsmann
Samuel Mace
9:48 AM Black Cooper King + Daniel Stamey + Tucker Settle
Sean Finan
8:45 AM Black Harrison Hilliard
Spencer Cable
9:03 AM Black Andrew Haarlow + Jackson Price + Stephen Madden
Stephen Madden
9:03 AM Black Andrew Haarlow + Jackson Price + Spencer Cable
Steve Pappas
8:36 AM Black Andrew Wood + Luke Ward
Taylor Kuehn
9:30 AM Black Charles Howden + Jamal Hutchison
Travis Watson
9:12 AM Black Aidan Dimakis + Brandon Spinks + Evan Loftis
Tucker Settle
9:48 AM Black Cooper King + Daniel Stamey + Samuel Mace
Will Choplin
8:27 AM Gold Evan Suddreth
William Grasty
9:39 AM Black Alex Gould + Mark Mulholland