Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Allison Howard | 2.8 |
Ally Williams | +1.5 |
Amanda Miller | 6.4 |
Anna Claire Little | 1.4 |
Anna Margaret Hays | 1.3 |
Annalee Stephens | 2.9 |
Autumn Tidwell | 19.5 |
Barbara Brown | 11.4 |
Chloe Borders | 0.5 |
Elisabeth Preus | +0.6 |
Ellie Cothran | 6.1 |
Emily Lankford | 2.3 |
Emma Cox | |
Gentry Scott | 7.7 |
Grace Narrell | 3.4 |
Hanna Dyar | 5.0 |
Hannah Pope | 8.7 |
Julie Baker | +0.7 |
Keri Rutledge | 14.8 |
Kyung-Hwa Theodoss | 14.7 |
Lauren Gilchrist | 0.5 |
Layne Dyar | 1.3 |
Linda Jeffery | 1.2 |
Lindsey Oxley | 9.0 |
Maria Donado | +2.6 |
Marilyn Steed | 0.8 |
Mary Mac Trammell | 1.1 |
Michaela Morard | +7.3 |
Nancy Schlich | 5.3 |
Reagan Malone | 8.6 |
Rosie Wiethop | 8.1 |
Sophie Burks | +2.7 |
Stacy Quilling | +1.7 |
Susan West | +1.2 |
Theresa Mahlik | 1.9 |
Theresa Stratton | 7.4 |