Northern California Golf Association

21st Annual Senior Four-Ball Net Championship Qualifying

Player Information Sheet

Haggin Oaks Golf Club

Wednesday August 7, 2019


Club Information:                                           

Haggin Oaks Golf Club

3645 Fulton Ave

Sacramento, CA 95821

Phone: 916-481-GOLF




18 holes Four-Ball Net Stroke Play (Two–Person Better Ball).  Men will play from the THREE OAKS tees; Women will play from the TWO OAKS tees.  Play will be 90% (men) 95 % (women) of the course handicap using a maximum current index of 18.4. All players with indexes of 18.5 and higher are eligible but must play a maximum current index of 18.4.  If a partner’s course handicaps differ by more than 8 strokes an additional 10 percent reduction will be applied to their course handicaps.  The low team scores will advance to the Championship Proper at Poppy Hills GC on September 16-17, 2019. NOTE: THE JULY 15, 2019 INDEX WILL BE USED FOR QUALIFYING.


Scoring Unfinished Holes:                          

If a player starts but does not complete a hole, his marker shall record an “X” followed by the score he most likely would have made.  This score is for handicap purposes only and shall not exceed the Equitable Stroke Control limit for his/her course handicap.


Maximum Score:                                        

The maximum allowable score for a player on any hole is 9, Rule 21.2 applies.   


Alternative to Stroke and Distance:      

Model Local Rule E-5 is in effect.    


Competition Schedule:                                

:00 AM off tee 1. Players should be at their assigned tee 10 minutes prior to their tee time.


Practice Round Information:                     

If you wish to play a practice round you must make reservations by calling the golf shop at the number listed above. Practice rounds are subject to availability.


Cart Fee Information:                                   

Golf carts are optional at the player’s expense.  Spectator carts are prohibited.  A maximum of two carts per group is permitted.


Qualifying Results:                                         

All results are unofficial until scorecards have been received and verified by NCGA staff. Please check the website,, approximately 7-10 days after the qualifying date to view official results.



Additional Information:                               

Prior to the first day of the event, you must make yourself familiar with the Player Handbook, Hard Card, Pace of Play Policy and Clarification on Smart Phones. You, the player, are responsible for knowing this information.




Any questions concerning this event should be directed to the NCGA Rules and Competitions Office at 831-625-4653.