League Rules

  1. League members create their own two-person team
  2. Players must have a valid GHIN.
    • If a player does not have a GHIN, one may be bought for $50 through MRGC.
  3. League will be tee-time based
    • A full league schedule will be on portal to show your tee time & opponents for that week
    • Players/teams must play their round/match on the league day (no exceptions)
  4. Substitutes may be used in the event one member of the team is unable to attend
    • Substitutes must have an official USGA handicap- if not they play as scratch "0"
    • Double substitutes are not permitted - if both team members are absent, the other team is awarded max possible points for that round
    • If a team member is injured, a substitute may fill in for the rest of the year (the original player is unable to return for this league year)
  5. Players 60+ eligible to play gold tees, all other players will play the white
    • You must indicate when you sign up which tee you will be playing from. This will be your teeing ground for the league season.
  6. All teams are required to have at least 1 golfer with the Golf Genius App and will be responsible for inputting their scores during the round in the app.
  7. Enter your gross score (Golf Genius will adjust your score according to your handicap, ie. You score a 5 put in a 5 and Golf Genius will adjust to a 4 if you get a stroke)
  8. There will be NO paper scorecards. Golf Genius will handicap matches (lowest handicap player of the match becomes a 0 and all other golfers are adjusted accordingly)
  9. Out of Bounds/Lost Ball- if you can't find your ball within 2 minutes, drop a ball in the general area in which you and your partners agree with and take a 2 stroke penalty instead of going back to the tee/previous shot you may drop the ball in the fairway equal to the distance where it was lost)
  10. Golfers get free relief from fairway divots, freshly laid sod, and any areas under repair
    • You must confer with the other team to get free relief
  11. Local & USGA rules will apply.


Pro Shop Responsible for: Rules, Scoring, & Handicapping


*Provide the best available contact number in case of cancellation or weather updates*