Lanto Tour Points System
50 Points 1st Place in each age group
40 Points 2nd Place in each age group
35 Points 3rd Place in each age group
30 Points 4th Place in each age group
25 Points 5th Place in each age group
20 Points 6th Place in each age group
15 Points 7th Place in each age group
10 Points 8th Place in each age group
9 Points 9th Place in each age group
8 Points 10th Place in each age group
7 Points 11th Place in each age group
6 Points 12th Place in each age group
5 Points 13th Place in each age group
4 Points 14th Place in each age group
3 Points 15th Place in each age group
Additional Information
- An on-course playoff will be used to determine 1st place whenever possible. The winner and other participants will be awarded points in correspondence with their Place earned. If an on-course playoff cannot be conducted, the points will be split between the players involved. A scorecard playoff will be used to determine the tournament award winner. Scorecard playoff will the USGA recommended procedures.
- Gross score for last 9 holes; if still tied continue
- Gross score for last 6 holes; if still tied continue
- Gross score for last 3 holes; if still tied continue
- Gross score for 18th hole
- Ties for 2nd and 3rd place will also be broken using the same method to determine the tournament places.
- Points for all other ties will be distributed equally among the players involved.
- Total number of points earned throughout the season will determine participation in the end of year Tour Championship.
- Player of the year will be the top player(s) in point total after the Tour Championship.