Captains vs Presidents Tournament
Friday/Saturday, September 19 -20
Entry Fee $130 If you haven’t played in our Captain’s vs President Ryder Cup before it’s a 2 day event where you and your partner play 4 nine hole matches Ryder Cup style. You enter as a team of two and our Captain and President along with their vice captains select their teams from the list of two man teams. Half the field of partners ends up playing for the Captain’s team with the other half playing for the Presidents team. Similar to the Ryder Cup our Captain & President along with vice captains select the matches. The first nine we play the Chapman format, second nine is Foursomes, third nine is Fourball and the final 9 is Singles matching the two lowest caps and two higher caps. Similar to the Don Ross we have partners categorized based on total handicap. Every 9 hole match winner each receive a sleeve of balls. On Saturday there will be KP’s and we will have deuces and skins available. Your entry includes the Friday Appy night where the final day matches are selected, and a buffet dinner Saturday where we announce the winning team.