2025 Don Ross Derby


Friday/Saturday, July 11th-12th


The Derby is a two-man team event open to all Male Members of the Royal Colwood Golf Club.


The male members who are not “Full Active” will be required to pay an additional green fee ($100.00) if they play outside their restricted tee time.


Please be reminded of the 100% entry of scores into the handicap system to be eligible to play.


Those Members who have played in all 14 Derby’s will be preregistered with their partner

Previous winning teams who are still playing together will be preregistered.


Full schedule of events will be available prior to registration day.


The entry fee will be TBD. We have been challenged to keep the entry fee down.  We hope you will understand our desire to keep the Derby in its successful format and at the same time contend with rising costs, particularly food and carts.


JACK JENNER: Tournament Convener