Men's Sponsor Night
1:30 Shotgun Start
Entry Fee: $60
Includes: Golf, Dinner & Prizes
Games: Optional games available
Register as a 4 person team or a single
The Lone Ranger Format:
The Lone Ranger tournament format (Man in the box) is a fun game that is played with foursomes. Every hole, one player in that foursome is assigned to be the Lone Ranger. On the 1st hole, player in position 1 on the tee sheet will act as the Lone Ranger. On the 2nd hole, player in position 2 on the tee sheet will act as the Lone Ranger. On the 3rd, player in position 3. On the 4th, player in position 4. The cycle then repeats throughout the rest of the round.
When playing this format, you will count the Lone Ranger's ball as well as the best ball of the other 3 players. So, two balls will be counted on each hole.