Register now for Wintonbury Men's Golf Association (2025)



  • There will be multiple ways to pay your WMGA dues this year including via this online payment within Golf Genius (via Credit Card) and by Check.
  • WMGA registrations will no longer be collected at Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, so we strongly encourage you to please utilize the following Golf Genius registration form to pay for your WMGA association dues, season-prizing and other season add-ons (e.g. Ringers, Hole in One, etc.).
  • Please note, final payment is due by Thursday March 27th so that your GHIN is active and you may then elect to play in the first event. As in the past, you must register 10 days prior to any event. The first day of WMGA play is on Sunday April 6th, 2025 ⛳
  • Once you register using the following form you will then be fully registered and paid up for the WMGA 2025 season.


MEMBERSHIP COSTS (please pay prior to March 27th)

  • $275 Membership includes:
    • $60 WMGA Dues
    • GHIN # for 2025
    • $50 Tap Inn gift card (food only)
    • Season events and prizing
    • Credit card processing/fee
  • $280 Membership + Hole-In-One Insurance ($5)
  • $295 Membership + Ringers ($20)
  • $300 Membership + Hole-In-One Insurance ($5) + Ringers ($20)



  • If you would rather pay by check, please email us at and we will coordinate the collection of the check and ensure that you are registered for the WMGA 2025 season.
  • Please make checks payable to: Wintonbury Mens Golf Association. Be sure to note in the check's memo it is for "WMGA 2025 Dues and Registration".


In the following WMGA Registration steps you will:

  • STEP 1 - Select "Submit Registration for Approval" to continue and then agree to proceed with the $275 payment of your WMGA Registration
  • STEP 2 - Fill out your personal details in the WMGA Registration form (if a WMGA 2024 member, please use the Registration link that was sent to your email instead)
  • STEP 3 - Select your add-ons -- Ringers and Hole-in-One -- which you would like to include in your purchase
  • STEP 4 - Enter your credit card information and complete your WMGA 2025 registration!